15 Flirty "Thinking Of You" Texts That’ll Make Your Crush’s Day
Keep the spark alive and well.

Whether you’re newly dating or in a long-term relationship, flirting is an important part of maintaining a romantic connection. Over time, it’s possible that your crush or partner might lose sight of how into them you really are or vice versa. Communicating the feelings you have for them can help mitigate that chance and keep the spark alive and well.
If you’ve been on any number of amazing, butterfly-inducing dates, you know the effect it can have on you the next day. You might be sitting at your desk, getting totally distracted thinking about them and how much you can’t wait to see them again. In those cases, why not let them know? Regardless of the method you choose — sharing a song that made them pop into your head, a funny meme, or just letting them know you can’t stop picturing their cute face — reminding your crush that you feel the same way they do is never a bad idea.
Sending your partner or crush a text to show you’re thinking about them is a great way to keep the connection strong. “Texting can build confidence and make people feel more secure,” Trina Leckie, a dating expert, previously told Bustle. “You want to ensure the other person knows [you’ve been having] a good time and hopefully get the same feedback from them.”
It can be difficult to come up with some creative ideas, so here are 15 flirty “thinking of you” texts to send to your crush.
“I had an amazing time with you last night. I’m sitting here daydreaming about it at work.”
If you had a great date night and can’t stop thinking about it, text them this. Chances are it will make their day, and they might let you know that they’re feeling the exact same way.
“Hey! Just thinking about you, and it has me smiling so big. Hope you’re having a great day :) ”
It never hurts to send a quick, cute note letting someone know they’re on your mind. Putting a smile on their face doesn’t have to require an elaborate novel of a text message, and it can still make all the difference.
*Send a meme* “This made me think of you and laugh so hard!”
Try weaving in a funny meme to a conversation you recently had, or to something you’d both find funny. Laughter is a great way to connect to anyone, especially your crush.
“I started reading that book you recommended to me last week, and I can’t put it down!”
Are you both major bookworms? If so, letting them know a recent suggestion they gave you was a hit can be a great way to deepen that connection.
“Just passed by that new sushi place that you said you were excited about! Wanna try it with me on Thursday?”
Showing the person you’re dating that you paid attention to something they’re excited about can mean the world to them, even if it’s just a new restaurant opening. Bonus points if it leads to another date!
“I miss your face! Can I see it sometime this week?”
Being direct about wanting to see your crush again is a bold move, and one they’ll probably appreciate. Try sending a short and playful message like this if you want to get straight to the point.
“Spotted an adorable puppy who looked just like yours on my walk earlier. It made me so happy.”
We all know pet parents take so much pride in their fur babies. It wouldn’t hurt to use that fact as an excuse to let your partner know they’ve been on your mind.
*Send a song* “This came up on my shuffle and I immediately thought of you. You have the best taste in music!”
Bonding over music is a great way to connect with someone new. And sending a text letting them know you appreciate their taste is an easy way to make their day.
“Saw an Instagram post promoting the Silent Disco we’re going to on Saturday. I’m so stoked to try it with you!”
Have a date planned that you’re excited about? Don’t miss the opportunity to share that with the person you’re seeing.
“Just so you know, I haven’t stopped thinking about you all day.”
Short, simple, and sweet. Whether this is following up an incredible date, or even a message to your long-term partner, knowing that they’re all you can think about is quite flattering.
“You were in my dream last night, and now I can’t stop replaying it in my head. I’ll tell you all about it the next time I see you!”
It could be a funny, hot, or pleasant dream; whatever the case, this is a fun way to let your crush know that they’re in your head.
“Can’t stop thinking about how you kissed me on Wednesday. Let’s do that again ASAP.”
After a steamy smooch, it’s natural to replay the moment over and over in your head. Make them blush at their work desk (and probably plan another kiss) with this message.
“I just heard that Phoebe Bridgers is playing a show here next month, and thought of you! Wanna be my date?”
If you’re both big fans of the same band or artist, lock down a date with them around that mutual interest. It’s a win-win: you get to spend time with your partner and enjoy a great show.
“Your mom liked my Facebook status today, and I felt so honored LOL. Thanks for introducing me, it meant a lot.”
Once you’ve made it to the “meeting the parents” stage, let the person you’re dating know how much you value that privilege — especially if family is important to them.
“Heading to the farmers market this morning, want me to pick up that locally roasted coffee you like?”
Seemingly simple, this message can be taken as mega-thoughtful for anyone with an Acts of Service love language. Offering to take care of an errand for them is a specific way to show that you care.
Trina Leckie, dating expert and host of the Breakup BOOST podcast