Sex & Relationships
“Want To Go Back To My Zoom?” & 59 More Conversation Starters For Dating Apps

Though you can't go out for drinks, your love life is still open for business. As more and more people hunker down in their homes, hitting it off with a new match can be just one click away. While the grocery store may be out of toilet paper, rest assured, there's no shortage of conversation starters for dating apps during the coronavirus pandemic.
According to Jaclyn Lopez Witmer, licensed clinical psychologist at Therapy Group of NYC, while it's important to remain informed about the spread of coronavirus, it can also be beneficial for your mental health to talk to about other things, too.
Read more: 50 Example Sexting Ideas You Can Use Right Now
"Focus on aspects of your life that are going well and that you feel you have some control over,"Lopez Witmer tells Bustle. "Part of staying healthy is maintaining connection, intimacy, and sex. These things boost mood and help release those feel-good hormones in our brains!"
If you just made the best coconut chicken curry or can't stop learning all the TikTok dances, bonding with your crush about random topics other than the virus can help you both relieve some COVID-19-induced anxiety.
Here are 60 ways to start a conversation with a new match during a global pandemic.
Rather Than: "Hey"
1. What's your go-to quarantine outfit?
2. Tell me about the best meal you've cooked so far.
3. So, what's the most annoying thing your roommate has done since quarantine began?
4. Have you started any new projects or hobbies?
5. What made you laugh today?
6. When's the last time you called your family?
7. What was the highlight of your day? Mine was walking from the kitchen to my living room.
8. I've rearranged the furniture in my room three times. What indoor activities have you been up to?
9. I keep a phone charger in the living room and another one in my bedroom, so I don't have to go back and forth when my phone dies. What's your best quarantine life-hack?
10. OK, I am attempting to make my own cold brew. Stay tuned.
11. You're lucky you caught me, I've been unbelievably busy these days, with all the TV-watching and pajama-wearing.
12. Settle a debate: My roommates are wondering if a cheese quesadilla can be considered a meal or a snack?
13. Does swiping through this dating app count as "indoor exercise"?
14. What's the most impulsive thing you've done during quarantine? I cut my own hair last week, and we’re not going to talk about it.
15. My roommate's cat has been giving me life these past weeks. Do you have any pets? (Or plants!)
16. What are you making for dinner tonight?
17. So, have you also gotten into baking sourdough bread?
18. I don't know how everyone on the internet seems to be doing crafts and making things! I'm exhausted just from playing on my phone.
19. Do you find that working at home is better or worse than going into your office?
20. So, when's the last time you showered? Be honest.
Rather Than: "What's up?"
21. What's the last book your read?
22. Are you listening to any good podcasts in quarantine?
23. OK, I'm desperate for a new corny movie or bad TV show to get into. What have you been watching?
24. What songs are on your quarantine dance party playlist?
25. I'm going through old photos and thinking about all the places I want to go to when this is over. Where's the best place you've ever traveled to?
26. Ugh, remember going to bars? What's your go-to spot to get a drink in the city.
27. I would give anything for an oat milk latte from Starbucks right now. What's your favorite coffee place?
28. I can't decide what I should wear to this virtual dance party tonight, can I get your opinion on these two outfits?
29. What are the three places or group activities are you missing most right now?
30. I'm thinking about turning my kitchen table into a mini-office. Do you have any work-from-home tips?
31. Hmmm, should I make pasta with pesto or pasta with red sauce tonight?
32. Currently taking any and all funny video recommendations. Please send anything that made you laugh today.
33. Love that photo of you on a hike! Are you finding ways to stay active during quarantine?
34. That's so cool that you're a yoga teacher — do you have any live-stream classes that you recommend?
35. I love that sweatshirt in your first photo, where do you buy your comfy clothes? I'm always looking to add some flare to my quarantine uniform.
36. Please tell me you made that amazing dinner in your second photo. What are you cooking during quarantine tips?
37. If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? I would ride the subway just to ride it.
38. What's something small about life before quarantine that you miss? I miss drinking coffee in a to-go cup and getting honked at by cab drivers when I'm crossing the street.
39. Do you have any tips on making my living room a better place to work out in?
40. OK, for my next Zoom meeting, do I make my background the coffee shop in Friends or a Beyoncé album cover?
Rather Than: "You're cute."
41. You know what they say — (social)distance makes the heart grow fonder.
42. Are you a hardware store or pharmacy? Because I want to get all up in your essential business.
43. Maybe if we hit it off, we can go back to my Zoom.
44. Excited to have some quality (Face)Time with you.
45. Did the sun come up, or did you just smile? No really, I haven't been outside in four days and don't know if the sun is up.
46. I've lost track of what day it is, but you matched me at just the right time.
47. I'll put on my nicest sweatshirt for our FaceTime date.
48. I can't take you out, but I can send some delivery to your house.
49. It's a good thing I didn't meet you at the grocery store today because I don't think I could stay six feet away from you.
50. What's the worst first message you've ever received on this app?
51. I need to be honest: I'm happy you get to see these cute pics of me because I haven't worn real pants in a month.
52. So, where should we go on our IRL date? We have all the time in the world to plan it.
53. If we were safe to go out and about right now, where would you be taking me?
54. You're so sexy. You're like straight out of my quaran-dreams.
55. I bet you look cute even when you don't shower for three days.
56. If I met you out in public right now, what would you be wearing?
57. Did you see the NYC Health Department statement on sex and COVID-19? It's worth the read.
58. You're a sight for quarantined-eyes.
59. If I could rearrange the letters in "quarantine," I'd put "U" and "I" together.
60. You don't have to be six feet tall, but you do have to be six feet away.
Jaclyn Lopez Witmer, licensed clinical psychologist at Therapy Group of NYC,