A 'Black Mirror: Bandersnatch' Sequel Could Totally Happen, According To Charlie Brooker

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch has basically taken over Netflix's world. Yes, fans of the series still want the long-awaited fifth season, however Bandersnatch has captivated many and kept viewers choosing their own paths through this seemingly endless movie. With such success and so many more paths and routes left to pick, could there be a Black Mirror: Bandersnatch sequel? The co-creator for the series definitely thinks it's possible, but you shouldn't get your hopes up just yet.
In a Jan. 12 interview with TVLine, Black Mirror co-creators Charlie Brooker and Annabel Jones answered some really good questions all about the newest film and what's coming up for the series. There's also lots of talk about what-ifs and what could have beens for Bandersnatch. The interview is basically a treasure trove for any Black Mirror fans still trying to get to whatever their version of a perfect ending is for Stefan.
The question of whether or not Stefan's story will be getting a sequel is a bit more complicated. TVLine asked Brooker and Jones if a choose-your-own-adventure Black Mirror episode could turn into an "every five years" sort of thing. Brooker said it was really difficult, but he wouldn't say "never" to doing it again.
"While doing it, Annabel and I both said at various points, 'We're not doing this ever again.' But like someone who has gone through the horror of childbirth and has forgotten about it in time to conceive again, I started thinking, 'Oh, there's an idea! You could do this, or you could do that…'' Brooker told the outlet. "I can't work out how foolhardy that is, because forewarned is forearmed. You know things not to do, but you'd still end up in different pickles."
So while that's promising in a non-definite way, Jones also said that all of the "specialized production tools" have already been created, so if there is a next time, they won't have to invent them along the way. That means there's a possibly smoother process in place if they do decide to create a sequel or even a totally different world.
Again, it might not be the sequel some fans are craving or even another Black Mirror story at all, but it sounds like an interactive venture might happen again. Brooker just isn't sure he'd be involved. "Whether it would be a Black Mirror project or whether it would be something else, what form it would be, I don't know. Whether I would write it, I don't know," he told TVLine.
Okay, now on to the juicy part; are there any plans in place for a Black Mirror choose-your-own-adventure part two? Brooker definitely has ideas. "I can think of many things things you could do — maaaaany things you could do, and approaches you could take," he revealed. "But the key is you need to find a good reason to be doing it like that. This is not anything new, but the fact that it's on Netflix is new. But you'd have to have a good reason, just as if you were doing a musical, for this to be the core of it."
Regardless of what happens, Bandersnatch is an accomplishment and like nothing else in current television. There were 157 pages of script, when a typical episode of Black Mirror only takes about 65. Plus there are "over a trillion permutations" a viewer can choose, according to Netflix's See What's Next Twitter, with each different choice completely changing the way you watch Stefan's story. Another Bandersnatch would be great, but the film is only the beginning of what entertainment can become.