Your Spring Equinox Horoscope
The equinox, Aries season, and the new moon are all coinciding to light a fire inside of you.

Though we celebrated the start of 2023 by watching the ball drop three months ago, the astrological new year is just getting started. March 20 marks the Spring Equinox, which means Aries season, the first sign of the zodiac, is coming in hot. And between the lunar event, the beginning of spring, and the astrological new year, there’s a lot of astrologically positive energy in the air right now.
The question comes up now: what does the Spring Equinox mean for your zodiac sign? It's the start of a new beginning, a new cycle, and/or a new set of challenges for you to take on. But how the celestial event impacts us varies from sign to sign. Tauruses, your psyche will be taking up room in the twelfth house of the subconscious as the season changes, while Pisces will feel a little more materialistic as the sun swings into your second house of material possessions.
Your sign's astrological house (your sign is ruled by a house numbered one through 12 and governs a different aspect of your life), element (each sign is fire, water, earth, or air), and temperamental quality (the choices are either cardinal, mutable, and fixed) will influence this, especially with all the springtime feels at play. Read on to find out how.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Happy birthday! You've been waiting all YEAR to feel on fire again, which makes literal sense because you're the cardinal fire sign. The start of your season conjuncts with the new moon entering Aries at 1:26 p.m. ET on March 21, so it’s all about you this vernal equinox. Enjoy feeling like the world is going your way and accepting your fiery habits.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
The days are getting longer, but that doesn’t mean you need to make the most of every hour. Relaxation is key during this time, as is reconnecting with yourself. The sun begins its journey through the 12th house of endings and subconscious on March 21, which can be hard to get through, but always a necessary feat before you get to take a chill pill for your birthday in late April. The subconscious is the last place you'll want to grow, but hang in there. If you embrace this fiery time, even if it scorches you, by all means it'll pass and you'll get out in one (relatively unscathed) piece with a few self discoveries to boot. They'll all make your season in late April/May even more rewarding.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
With your eleventh house lighting up at the start of spring, you're on fire right now in the friends department. Just make sure you 100 percent validate who you want to be around before hanging with just anyone. Don't be afraid to take an uncharacteristic stand and let people know you love them this month. They're going to be craving your company way more!
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Hang in there, Cancer. You're moving into the tenth house of career right now, which is not always your natural forte. That is the ruler of your foil, Cappy, so you're feeling a bit more insecure because you can't use your natural warmth to weave your way out of any professional conflicts you sense. Just remember: You were built to bring happiness to others, and embrace that even if you feel scared at any power struggles headed your way. You can get through them.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
You'll be extremely productive right around Spring Equinox! You thrive when it gets warmer, always — and you're in the ninth house of philosophy and travel this month, Leo, so make sure to nurture whatever intellectual musings or adventure opportunities come your way. As a fellow fire sign during Aries season, you're going to love all the creative energy beginning to flow your way. Your negotiations, ideas, and general emotional intelligence will get rewarded — but first, you must think about what you even want. And how pure the intent was. Then watch it come to you.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Virgo, you're doing some deep soul-searching as we shift into spring. Blame the eighth house that governs rebirth and reincarnation. There is a lot of activity happening there. Thus, you may feel emotional and introspective around Spring Equinox but never fear. Your detail-oriented nature means you will quickly suss out what you can control, and try to let go of what you can't until the game plan comes to you. Embrace this era of rebirth – you'll come out of this a lot stronger and smarter after it.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
You're going to be thriving as we reach spring, as you'll be seeing stuff happening in the seventh house of partnerships, which is your natural ruler. But you have to make the effort with your loved ones, Libra, they won’t just come to you. Your sign may oppose the fiery Aries with your calm Libra-ness, but it makes you the best kind of diplomat and balances things out in a tumultuous season.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Think about your health right now. You're the type to get tangled in the dark spots that are more abstract, but you have to remember you're also in a physical body, Scorp. The sixth house of health is going to be key for you this Spring Equinox. Do a lot of self-care and don't resist the urge to just veg — whatever makes your body feel best. Digging into your subconscious so hard can throw anyone off kilter a lot of the time, and rejuvenation is so important, especially for you.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
You're currently in the fifth house of love and pleasure, so you'll be learning a lot about that. Let yourself discern what does or does not give you joy. You’re going to feel a lot more confident this equinox, so make sure that self-love doesn’t go to waste.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
You don't know what's going on with your family, but you're ready to face it for once as activity happens in your fourth house of home around the start of spring. You may have shied away slightly at things before, but every family is a little dark. You finally understand now that the subconscious matters, and your subconscious is okay with healing that in your own way.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
You're a ball of energy, eager to communicate every little thought, musing, and idea you may have. . That’s because your third house of communication is lighting up right as we lean into spring, which means now is the time to take charge and ask for what you really want. There’s no stopping you.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
It’s not your season anymore, Pisces, but at least the sun will be in the second house of money and values. You’ll have a healthy relationship with money during this time, which means you’ll know when to save your coin and when to treat yourself.
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