Maisie Williams Hilariously Added Liam Payne To Arya's Infamous 'Game Of Thrones' List

Game of Thrones has a lot of lore, and one of the most well-known bits is Arya Stark's list. The list consists of people who have wronged her or her family and because of that, she intends to kill each and every one of them. A hero among us, for sure. So it's interesting to note that Maisie Williams added Liam Payne's name to Arya's list on Twitter and the former One Direction member is not taking it well.
On Apr. 12, just two days before the Season 8 premiere of Game of Thrones — aka the last one ever — Williams (Arya Stark in case you're new to GoT) tweeted out a few main characters on Arya's infamous list. It started off pretty chill with Joffrey's name and then Cersei's. Before she got to The Hound, though, she added in Liam Payne, which might have seemed like it could have fit, except when you remember he's actually from One Direction. Best friend and co-star Sophie Turner, Sansa Stark herself, replied just with "Omg," stoking the flames even more. Payne got wind of this and quoted it with the caption, "Is this a kill list... should I be worried @Maisie_Williams."
He doesn't seem all that familiar with the concept of Arya's list, considering he asked "is this a kill list," but it also just could be a sign of denial at his impending doom by the hands of a girl that has no name. It looks like he's having a good time at Coachella though, so maybe it's the perfect time to take his mind off the list for a bit.
It's all in good fun of course, and Williams has yet to respond to Payne, but it's not really necessary. Odds are, this is a very clever play on another Payne also on Arya's list, which is Ilyn Payne. He got himself there because he was the one that executed her father Ned Stark on the command of Joffrey. He's still alive going into this season, so he needs to watch out if he happens to pop up on the show again.
Joffrey himself was of course at the top once upon a time, but he died in The Purple Wedding (aka his own) by poison given to him by Olenna Tyrell, bless her soul. Cersei is now at the top, and is still very much alive and currently on the Iron Throne, so she's likely Arya's next big target.
So far Arya has killed Meryn Trant because he killed her "dancing" instructor Syrio Forel; Polliver because he killed her friend Lommy, tortured people at Harrenhal, and stole Needle her sword from Jon; Rorge, also for Harrenhal; and Walder Frey because of The Red Wedding (enough said). She has been busy since she was separated from her family in the first season, and she shows no signs of stopping soon.
Since leaving Braavos, Arya has had a pretty confident demeanor and hasn't really been phased by much. But in the Season 8 trailer, she's uncharacteristically running for her life from some unknown entity, scared out of her mind. Does this pose a major threat to Arya? Will she get to complete her list, or at least mark some major names off it it this season? There's no telling yet, but this is going to be one hell of a last go. Hopefully it doesn't involve the slaying of a boy band member, though.