You love pizza. I love pizza. Everyone loves pizza. And perhaps thanks in part to the extreme popularity of four radioactive, pizza-loving terrapins, '90s kids really love pizza — or any of our then-favorite foods that prove not only is pizza the bomb-dot-com, but pizza is the best flavor ever invented. If this doesn't resonate with you or you don't like pizza to begin with (gasp!), you missed out on some of the tastiest snacks of that snack-laden decade.
Of course, if you were to taste said pizza-flavored snacks today — those that haven't gone extinct, RIP Pizzarias — they may not taste quite as glorious as you remembered. Or, hey, you could be like me and go out of your way to find those pizza-rific items from your past so you can feed them to your own kids. And by feed them to my kids, I obviously mean use children as an excuse to stock up on them for myself. But regardless of whether or not your obsession for these pizza-flavored vittles remains, I think we can all agree that these snacks taught us early in life that you can never go wrong with pizza.
So get ready to feed your need for nostalgia (and possibly feed your mouth with pizza-flavored food) as we pay tribute to the foods that helped establish the flavor's dominance.
4Bagel Bites
The cleverest of '90s kids convinced their parents to feed them Bagel Bites for breakfast. Because, bagels. Breakfast of champs, y'all.
7Lunchables Pizza
Any '90s kids whose parents sent Pizza Lunchables to school were the envy of the rest of us poor schmucks eating PB&Js.