
These 3 Zodiac Signs Take The Longest To Get Ready

Add some wiggle room in the itinerary just for them.

These three zodiac signs take the longest to get ready.
miodrag ignjatovic/E+/Getty Images

We all have that one friend who takes way too long to get ready for a night out. No matter how much time they’ve had to plan for an event or how long they’ve known exactly what they’re going to wear, they’re always the last to jump in the Uber. And even then, they’re still putting the finishing touches on their look while you’re all en route. Sure, it can be annoying but try not to hold it against them. If they’re one of these three zodiac signs, the amount of time it takes for them to get ready might be out of their control.

Whether you’re gearing up for a hard day’s work or for a much-deserved girl’s night out, getting ready is always an ordeal. First, you have to pick an outfit. Then, you need to locate that one pair of shoes that always goes missing in your closet. After that, you must sift through dozens of makeup products to find the perfect lipstick and eyeshadow combo. And when that’s done, it’s time to channel your inner hairstylist and transform your tangled tresses into luscious locks. We’ve all held up the squad with a last-minute swap from heels to sneakers before, but if you’re always sending “OMW!” texts while you still have a curler in your hair, your friends probably know to give you an extra 30 minutes in the bathroom. Having one of these signs means you value aesthetics and perfection over everything, and you’re not about to leave the house until you get it right. So the next time someone tries to rush you out the door, you can blame your birth chart for your delay — if you’re one of these three signs, that is.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

If there’s one thing to know about Leos, it’s that they’re always ready for an impromptu photo opp or last-minute live stream on IG. They make it look easy but trust me, they put a lot of effort into looking effortless. It’s no wonder why they turn every outing into a ‘Gram-worthy photoshoot — you’d have a Camera Roll full of selfies if you looked like that, too.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Libras may be naturally stylish, but don’t be fooled — they did not wake up like this. As a sign that’s obsessed with aesthetics, it makes sense why they spend so much time getting ready. Their lengthy skincare routines may have them strolling into brunch a little late, but you can always count on the air sign to come dressed to the nines with their magazine-ready makeup and on-trend outfits. Maybe they’re on to something.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Virgos are natural perfectionists in every sense of the word. They won’t quit until the end result meets their expectations, so if that means spending an extra two hours getting ready for an event, then so be it. Though waiting for a Virgo to finish sounds like it would be irritating, it always works out in the end because the planner within them prevents them from being late.