Grab The Popcorn

The Holiday Movie You Should Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

From Love Actually to How The Grinch Stole Christmas!

by Jillian Giandurco
Originally Published: 
The Joy Of The Holidays

It’s officially November, which means it’s time to swap your autumnal decor and pumpkin-spiced goodies for festive furnishings and peppermint-scented candles. You could do this while listening to a holiday album or two — it is Mariah Carey’s season, after all — or you could throw on a holiday movie to help get you into the spirit.

Whether you prefer a classic feature that tugs at the heartstrings, or you just want to watch two characters profess their love for one another underneath the mistletoe, each zodiac sign has a specific holiday movie that resonates with them on a personal level. So if you’ve felt spiritually connected to your holiday comfort flick since the first time you saw it, this could be why.

With so many wintery films to choose from it can feel impossible to pick a favorite, but thankfully your zodiac sign can help narrow down your selection for your next festive movie night.

Ahead, Nechama Muchnik, astrologer and co-founder of Planet, shares which holiday movie best represents each sign based on their personality traits and preferences. So put on your best ugly holiday sweater and get your cup of hot cocoa ready.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Sony Pictures

Little Women (2019)

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries are experts at taking initiative and paving their own way. They’re filled with ambition and passion for their loved ones, which is why the story of the March sisters navigating adolescence in the 19th century in Little Women resonates so deeply with this fire sign. The holiday vibes may be a bit more subtle in this one, but considering the story revolves around the “ultimate contrarian” Jo March, Muchnik believes this story could feel “really relevant to an Aries.”

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Yule Log

This may not be a traditional holiday film, but Taureans are creatures of comfort, and nothing is more comforting than the familiar flame of a yule log burning on a loop for hours.

“[The yule log] makes the home feel cozy, and makes you never want to get off the couch, just like the homebody sign of Taurus,” Muchnik explains.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Columbia Pictures

Eight Crazy Nights (2002)

Geminis have a great sense of humor, which explains why the air sign typically gravitates toward a holiday comedy, particularly the Adam Sandler flick Eight Crazy Nights. In this Hanukkah movie, after Davey Stone is sentenced to community service, he begins refereeing a youth basketball league alongside his childhood referee, Whitey. In true twins fashion, the two find themselves in quite a bit of trouble.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The Family Stone (2005)

The Family Stone has all of Cancer’s favorite things and then some. On top of enjoying the Stones’ close family dynamic, the lovey-dovey sign can’t help but romanticize the love triangle that arises between Everett, Julie, and Meredith. Plus, the cozy home-for-the-holidays aesthetic is right up their alley, and the water sign can’t resist a tearjerker, either.

“With the most boss maternal figure of all time (Diane Keaton), creating a family unit as tight as the Stones can only be done by a Cancer,” says Muchnik. No wonder crabs connect to the matriarch so much.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

New Year’s Eve (2011)

If you’ve ever seen New Year’s Eve, you know the film has “Leo” written all over it. Besides, who parties harder than a lion on NYE?

“The most extra, over-the-top, drama-filled holiday rom-com that’s all about glitz and glam and shimmers,” Muchnik says. Sure, the ensemble cast of A-list celebs like Halle Berry, Zac Efron, and Sarah Jessica Parker helps grab the lion’s attention, but it’s the “dazzling sequin-filled night” that speaks to the fire sign the most.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Warner Bros.

How The Grinch Stole Christmas! (1966)

The holidays can be quite stressful for Virgos. As a sign that values perfection, they often put pressure on themself to plan an unforgettable party or find the best gifts. This tends to suck the holiday cheer right out of the earth sign and can turn them into, well, a Grinch.

That said, neither Virgos nor the Grinch are as tough as they seem. Believe it or not, their harsh personalities actually come from a place of love, making the Dr. Seuss character and the maiden “no match for the powers of love,” per Muchnik.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Universal Studios

Love, Actually (2003)

Some people watch holiday movies for the plot, while others just want to see their favorite celebs on the big screen. Yes, Love, Actually is a great movie, but everyone knows the film’s biggest draw is its “hot and flirtatious” cast, including Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Emma Thompson, and Keira Knightley. And if there’s one sign that has an appreciation for aesthetics, it’s Libra.

Per Muchnik, the film’s intertwining plot lines feel very reminiscent of the air sign’s personal life as well. They are one of the most sociable placements in the zodiac, after all, which means you can always count on a Libra to make an appearance at an event.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22)

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Scorpios would celebrate spooky season all year long if they could, so it’s only fitting that their festive movie of choice is one that reminds them of their true favorite holiday, Halloween. Between an ill-advised Santa Claus kidnapping that nearly ruins the season and Jack and Sally’s sweet romance, The Nightmare Before Christmas shares the same darkness and intensity as the mysterious scorpion, while still maintaining its emotional center — a big plus for a secretly sensitive water sign like Scorpio.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

The Holiday (2006)

As a sign that’s always down for an adventure, Sagittarians would jump at the opportunity to swap homes with a stranger in a foreign country, like Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet’s characters do in The Holiday. And because the fire sign has such a knack for making friends in new cities, they’d probably end up having a similar romantic fling with a local, as well.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Bettmann/Bettmann/Getty Images

A Christmas Carol (1938)

As a sign extremely driven by financial and career goals, Capricorns tend to lose sight of the important things in life and often struggle to form emotional bonds with other people. Scrooge’s selfish behavior earns him several frightening visits from the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come, and he learns there’s more to life than work and money — a lesson that Caps could also benefit from, Muchnik says.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

The Polar Express (2004)

Seeking to find their place in society, misunderstood Aquarians often find themselves “[journeying] outside the norms” to learn more about the world and their place in it. According to Muchnik, that’s probably how Hero Boy and his fellow Polar Express travelers ended up on the whimsical railcar, and in true Aqua fashion, they probably made some serious discoveries about themselves along the way, too.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Warner Bros.

Elf (2003)

You don’t need to run into Buddy the Elf on the streets of New York City to know he gives off major Pisces energy. Not only is he just as delulu as the water sign (let’s not forget he acted like one of Santa’s elves in public), but he also has the same creative spirit and emotional disposition as the final sign of the zodiac, Muchnik says.


Nechama Muchnik, astrologer, CEO, co-founder of Planet

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