Social Media
TikTok Is Rolling Out A STEM Feed With Fact-Checked Content
Here's how it works.

You probably already use TikTok as an informational hub for all your pop culture breakdowns, astrology readings, and genius recipe ideas. Thanks to the new STEM feed, you can now use the app to learn about so much more. The TikTok feature highlights content focused on all things science, technology, engineering, and math, so whether you’re a professional in the field or you just want to learn more about those topics, here’s what you need to know about the STEM feed on TikTok.
If you’re looking for advice on how to make your at-home experiments go off without a hitch, or tips on coding, the STEM feed is where you’ll want to be. TikTok announced the new feed on March 14, AKA Pi Day — a very fitting rollout for the educational feature. According to the press release, the STEM feed is designed to provide users the option to browse a “wide range of inspiring, entertaining, and enriching videos.” It’s unclear how the content that appears on the feed is chosen, but it’s likely pulled from the large pool of TikToks that feature a STEM-related hashtag like #STEM, #engineer, #chemistry, and #tech. To make sure the feed doesn’t become populated with misinformation, TikTok has tapped the help of Common Sense Networks and Poynter to assess the validity of each video. According to the press release, if the content does not pass the requirements, it’s not eligible for the STEM feed.
The feed joins the FYP and the Following feed options so you don’t have to worry about your STEM content getting mixed with your Get Ready With Me and Day In The Life vids anymore. So how exactly do you access the STEM feed, anyway? Well, unfortunately, it’s not available to everyone just yet. In fact, TikTok is “still in the early stages” of bringing the STEM feed to its users, per the press release.
The announcement also stated that the feature would begin rolling out to US-based users starting in late March, however, there are plenty of people who still don’t have access to the feed as of April 12, even after updating the app.
When the feature has finally rolled out, you can expect to find the STEM feed placed on the top of the Home page next to the Following and For You options, according to this TikTok from @tarantech, who already has access to the feed. The creator points out that most of the videos on the feed are from 2021, making the STEM feed not nearly as current as the FYP. But maybe once the rollout process is complete, users will feel more compelled to use and saturate the feed with even more STEM-related videos.
Though it’s unclear when (or if) the STEM feed will become available worldwide, your best bet is to keep checking and updating the app until you see the STEM option on the top of your Home page.
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