Mercury retrograde already has a reputation for causing travel delays, miscommunication errors, and tech troubles, but when the arrival of the cosmic event coincides with April Fool’s Day, it can feel like a cruel, sick joke. Well, brace yourself for chaos, folks, because that’s exactly what’s happening on April 1.
In astrology, Mercury rules over all things related to communication, thoughts, and technology. So when the planet goes retrograde, or appears to align its orbit with Earth, it tends to create a lot of confusion and complications. To put it simply: Mercury retrograde is no joke — not even on April Fool’s Day.
With so much working against you, staying grounded will likely be a challenge. Luckily there are several measures you can take to stave off the bad vibes and protect your peace. If you’re ready to face the madness of a Mercury retrograde-fueled April Fool’s Day head-on, these tips can help make the mayhem a little more manageable.
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
One way to combat Mercury retrograde is to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Whether that means giving yourself an extra 20 minutes on your commute to work, saving an important presentation onto a hard drive, or writing down your thoughts before expressing them, taking preventative measures ahead of time may help keep your wires from getting crossed in the long run.
Try To Unplug
As astrologer Nina Kahn previously told Bustle, it’s important not to put all your faith into technology during this time. It’s easier said than done, but if going full-on analog isn’t in the cards for you, at least make sure your phone is charged before you go out. If possible, try not to purchase any electronics until the retrograde period has ended. After all, what good is a new iPhone if you can’t even use it properly?
In-Person Convos Are Key
The possibility of tech failures and communication mishaps pose a serious threat during Mercury retrograde. So although it’s not exactly ideal, it’s in your best interest to offline difficult conversations and hash them out IRL. “Texts get missed, typos run rampant, and words are easily misconstrued under these transits — so avoid the game of telephone and be as clear as you can,” Kahn said. If you can’t be in-person, a FaceTime or Zoom call will suffice.
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
It’s hard not to worry about the future when Mercury retrograde makes everything feel so unpredictable. But as Kahn said, focusing on what’s to come won’t make this period any easier. Instead, you’ll want to use this time to reflect on your past and take stock of its impact on your present, per the expert.
“By looking backwards instead of forward, you'll be able to get in touch with where you're at now — and will have a much better idea of what steps to take to bring your future visions to life post-retrograde,” Kahn said. Though reliving the past is never easy, retrogrades often inspire a period of reassessment, so there’s a good chance you’ll feel inspired to reexamine your experiences come April 1.
Luckily, the negative energy should clear up when Mercury goes direct again on April 26.