Here’s How The December Full Cold Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
Use this as your chance to let go of things before the new year.

Though your calendars are probably filled with holiday parties and New Year’s celebrations for the next two weeks, there’s one event you won’t want to overlook: the Dec. 26 full moon, which is known as the Cold Moon.
As the last full moon of the year, you’re gonna want to reap all the benefits of this lunation as much as possible. But to successfully harness the power of la luna in your favor, you’ll need to know how the full Cold Moon will affect your zodiac sign first.
The moon will reach peak illumination at 7:33 p.m. ET on Dec. 26 in the sensitive sign of Cancer, so don’t be surprised if your feelings get the best of you this holiday season. An emotional release may actually be very fitting for this cosmic event.
Full moons are often associated with the completion of cycles and letting go of things that no longer serve you, and seeing as though New Year’s Eve is just days away, this lunation couldn’t come at a better time. Don’t expect it to be easy, though — with the moon at the wheel in its home sign of Cancer, your sentimentality may be running high as you reflect on everything you’ve accomplished this year.
Though closing out this chapter may be painfully bittersweet, this full moon horoscope from astrologer Catherine Gerdes proves there’s nothing to be afraid of.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
With the full moon illuminating their fourth house, Aries may experience a shift at home. “A partnership could be called into question or an important conversation could be brewing,” says Gerdes. “Through understanding what makes you feel comfortable, you gain the wisdom to make the appropriate shifts and nestle into an environment that feels better suited to your desires and sense of belonging.”
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taureans may find themselves questioning their partnerships this lunation, as the full moon may help the earth sign connect to their intuition. “There can be internal shifts that lead to wrapping up a cycle or releasing some long-standing beliefs,” Gerdes says. “Entering into the new year, if a contract or relationship needs to be discussed, honor the feelings stirring with you and your partner.”
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The full moon will be in your second house of money and material possessions, dear Gemini, which means there may be an exciting opportunity for you on the horizon. “Partnerships and contracts can be topics of conversation over the holidays,” says Gerdes. “Even if no concrete action transpires, it’s a wonderful opportunity to get a little more clear on what you’d like to build and where you might be holding yourself back.”
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
This lunation is all about relationships for Cancers. According to Gerdes, Pluto will be finishing a cycle at the anaretic degree during the full moon, which could help the water sign tap into their vulnerability, especially with their loved ones.
“This transit has the potential to soften you and give you the courage to go for what you want, especially with Mars approaching your house of partnerships,” the expert says. “With this full moon in your sign, what’s something internal that needs attention or release for the sake of your relationships?”
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
The holidays always encourage us to think about others, but once the full moon arrives, it’s time to focus on yourself and your desires, dear Leo. Gerdes recommends using this time to pinpoint exactly what it is you’re looking for in your romantic life. “This full moon is a window for gaining clarity and surrendering to start fresh for the new year,” says the astrologer.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Stirring up your house of friends, Virgos may find themselves separating from a group of people, per Gerdes. Letting go in such a way may seem scary, but the expert also shares that the earth sign may feel a desire to be social and meet new people in the new year. Think of it as making room for even better friendships!
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
The Dec. 26 full moon has a lot in store for Libras. Not only will your fam require extra attention this lunation, but you may also find yourself “considering how shifting a career aspiration could enhance your personal life,” per Gerdes. If it all becomes too much to handle, the astrologer recommends declining invites to social events to “balance your inner world and cultivate harmony at home.”
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22)
It’s time to “take a deep dive into your long-held beliefs” and adopt “a student’s vantage point” this lunation, Scorpio. Explore your curiosities, research the things that interest you, and use those classic Scorpio investigation skills to expand your knowledge.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Partnership and long-standing contracts are up for evaluation this lunation, Sagittarius. “Around this full moon, you might’ve had some necessary convos with a romantic partner,” says Gerdes. “Regardless of the outcome, it seems like your desire to solidify something is driving the charge, and this full moon could illuminate your tender feelings for the sake of having an important exchange.”
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Change is in the air, Capricorn, but don’t worry — there’s nothing to be afraid of. According to Gerdes, this lunation may come with the completion of a cycle or a contract, which may lead to a new opportunity. Though you’re not always one to trust your gut, the expert shares that now is the time to “allow what comes up to be released and let it guide you toward your new shore.”
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Aquarians may need to reevaluate their routines this lunation, as the Cold Moon will be trining Saturn in the air sign’s second house. Perhaps you have a habit that’s no longer serving you, or a daily activity that no longer benefits you. “Whatever isn’t boosting your sense of well-being could be sniped out with this watery full moon,” says Gerdes.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
It’s almost the new year — you might as well kick it off with a new you, Pisces. And with the full moon in fellow water sign Cancer and Saturn stationed direct, Gerdes says you may get some clarity on your personal goals. This can help you set your intentions for 2024 because it’s a lot easier to follow through on your resolutions when you know what you actually want.
Catherine Gerdes, astrologer