How The August New Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
Here are some questions to ask yourself.

With two full supermoons bookending the month and the dreaded return of Mercury retrograde, don’t be surprised if your end-of-summer blues are heightened by the many shifts in energy occurring during the month of August. We also have a new moon in Leo, which arrives on Aug. 16 at 5:38 a.m. ET, and while you’re probably itching for a break from all major celestial events, this lunation is about to bring some much-needed clarity to a certain aspect of your life. The new moon will affect each zodiac sign differently, so if you’re ready to face the lunar event head-on, this lunation horoscope can help you prepare.
New moons are all about new beginnings, and the Aug. 16 occurrence will be no different. But a kickstart to your next chapter isn’t all that lies ahead. According to astrologer Catherine Gerdes, la luna will be trining the north node and Chiron will be in Aries, so you can expect to experience some “moments of healing or an exacerbation of old wounds” alongside your fresh start.
“Whether in the form of current relationships or the past returning, old lessons will likely resurface,” Gerdes tells Bustle. “Take the lessons as they come right now, but it’s not a time to seek external assurance of your worthiness — and many are bound to take that route with this erraticism of Uranus and Lilith uprooting insecurities.” The expert also warns that this lunation won’t just affect romantic relationships, but professional and familial connections as well.
Though the consequences of la luna might sound intimidating, there’s nothing to worry about. As long as you’re prepared for how the new moon will affect your sign, you’ll be able to tackle this lunation with the grace and confidence of a true Leo.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You may be feeling a bit emotional this new moon, dear Aries, but don’t worry, because those feelings won’t hold you back. In fact, you might even be able to channel them into your work or creative pursuits.
“With this new moon, a project could receive a rejuvenating boost, or you might experience an artistic ‘aha’ moment,” says Gerdes. “You could also be reevaluating your pricing around creative work. With the north node in your sign, it’s a great time to embrace an independent streak and pursue your passions.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taureans might find themselves feeling a little uneasy this lunation. That’s because the earth sign values stability, and according to Gerdes, there will likely be some “shifts” within your friend and family dynamics soon.
“Where are your values out of alignment with your loved ones? There’s a restructuring taking place, and this is an opportune time to be patient but honest about overextending yourself to family,” Gerdes explains.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
“At this time, you could be reuniting with long-lost friends,” Gerdes says of Geminis. “With your third house lit up, your words are under scrutiny (which is typical), but you’re noticing that others derive energy from them.” Per the astrologer, Saturn will also be in your career house, so you if feel the need to “create something beautiful” in the coming days, that’s why.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
According to Gerdes, Cancers and their careers may be in limbo this lunation. “With the new moon lighting up your second house of money and values, a decision you made is up for review, and you may have made a sacrifice,” shares Gerdes. “It is time to strategize a game plan where you don’t have to choose between the two realms of love or money.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Leos should prepare to wake up the “preciousness of [their] energy,” because la luna will be in their sign on Aug. 16. Per Gerdes, “This is the time to be intentional with yourself and remember that two of your greatest investments are your attention and time. Allow the triggers you could be experiencing over this new moon to provide information and use it to navigate all relationships.” And don’t worry, after this new moon, the pressure will lift.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
According to Gerdes, Virgos should pay extra close attention to their subconscious during this lunation. “Which values are you pushing down? Which beliefs aren’t serving you? If there are some repressed remnants of heartbreak, this new moon might be bringing it to the forefront. It’s all cleaning up and prepping you for your season — when the load should feel lighter.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Though you hate creating conflict, it’s time to reevaluate the dynamic of your friendships, dear Libra. That’s because the new moon will be highlighting your networks and friend circles, which means the peacemaker in you will no longer be able to ignore the red flags in your relationships.
“What has been left unaddressed? What is unearthing itself? Similar to Virgo, old wounds could be showing up, or you could be rekindling some long-lost friendships. These relationships might take courage and initiative to heal,” says Gerdes.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22)
Scorpios may become a lot less satisfied with their situation during this new moon. “The Venus retrograde has been a time of reflecting on your career,” Gerdes explains. “Your long-term goals could be shifting as this transit has raised questions like, ‘What is it all for?’ You are reassessing your value and long-term investments.” This might lead you down a new path.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Sagittarians are naturally strong leaders, but if you haven’t had the chance to step into your power as a trailblazer yet, now might be your chance.
“This new moon highlights your natural house of leadership, knowledge, and publishing, and Lilith’s involvement could stir up restlessness in any of these areas,” says Gerdes. “From your unique experiences, what have you witnessed and what do you desire to build? Are you wanting to step into leadership?” Ask yourself these questions to make the most of the moon.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
“All of this eighth house energy with the Leo new moon could initiate a deeper level of rebirth,” Gerdes says of Capricorn. “You’ve had some serious transformational nudging already from Pluto returning to your sign, but Venus is asking you to reevaluate all investments, including your current beau. The real question is: are you happy?” Take some time to step back and assess your romantic endeavors.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Aquarians should keep an eye out for potential new partners, as well as invest some quality time into the ones they already have. “In your house of partnerships, this new moon highlights your business partners and romantic life,” Gerdes tells Bustle. “It’s a prime time to reevaluate money matters and ensure you and your partner are on the same page. Chat about love languages. Be inquisitive. In which relationships could you be more vulnerable?” If you do this, the bonds will only become stronger.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
After the Aug. 16 lunation, you may feel inspired to incorporate some new habits into your routine, dear Pisces. “The daily investments of your energy are up for review, and this is tied to your health, too,” says Gerdes. “Neptune in your sign wants boundlessness, but Saturn has given you guidelines and a tightrope to walk. Right now, don’t look for comfort externally. Don’t forfeit your personal power for the sake of victimhood. Dig deeper within yourself.”
Catherine Gerdes, astrologer
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