Here’s How The August Full Blue Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
Time to break out the sage.

Congratulations! You’ve almost made it through August. It was looking rough for a second, especially because the month began with a full supermoon and kicked off the start of Mercury retrograde. We’re not out of the woods just yet, though, because there will be another full supermoon illuminating the sky on Aug. 30. Some zodiac signs will feel the effects of the August full Blue Moon more than others, but don’t be fooled, because every sign will feel the impact of the lunation in some aspect of their lives. If you’re ready to face the lunar event head-on, this full Blue Moon horoscope can help you prepare.
The second and final full moon of August arrives at 9:35 p.m. ET in the spiritual sign of Pisces, and because it’s a supermoon, you can expect to see la luna shining even brighter than usual. According to astrologer Brilla Samay, the sun will be at seven degrees of Virgo while the moon will be at seven degrees of Pisces, so don’t be surprised if you feel a sense of “practicality and spirituality” in the air.
“With the full moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn, the qualities of maturity, structure, and facing challenges become prominent,” shares the expert. “This alignment requires embracing the external environment and dealing with present issues in order to move forward. The ruler of this moment, Jupiter, is in good condition, providing an optimistic and abundant backdrop to this Full Moon.”
Per Samay, this lunation is expected to feature a “mix of grounded and dreamy energies,” so if you were worried about the full moon turning your life upside down, worry no more. To get an even better idea of how the Blue Moon will bring balance and practicality into your life, keep reading for a full horoscope from Samay.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Get ready to do some serious reflecting, dear Aries, because the full moon will illuminate your twelfth house of spirituality and introspection. “This lunar energy invites you to slow down and connect with your inner world,” says Samay. “Embrace this quiet time to recharge your spirit and gain insights that can fuel your fiery pursuits in the coming weeks.”
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Friendship is in the air for Taureans this lunation. As the full moon illuminates the earth sign’s eleventh house of groups and friends, this energy will encourage you to “seek meaningful and healing communities to come together and explore collective visions,” per Samay. Now is the time to find like-minded individuals you can form a community with, dear Taurus.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Geminis should prepare for career woes to weigh them down this lunation. As the full moon travels through the air sign’s tenth house of career and reputation, Samay warns that tensions may be high, or you may feel compelled to “let go” of a certain aspect of your career. “Trust your intuition and explore ways to align your ambitions with your heart's desires,” the astrologer advises.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Don’t be surprised if travel is on your mind this lunation, Cancer. “The Piscean influence encourages you to broaden your horizons and seek new perspectives,” explains Samay. “Whether through travel or educational pursuits, embrace opportunities for personal growth that connect you back to the Cosmos.”
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Leo’s eighth house of intimacy and resources is taking center stage this full moon. For this reason, the fire sign shouldn’t be afraid to “embrace vulnerability and deep connections,” or “engage in transformative conversations with loved ones.” Samay also warns that now is the time to address any financial matters that you’ve been putting off.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Mercury retrograde is going to be extra tough for Virgos, but an easy way to make sure this lunation goes smoothly is to invest time in your relationships. “The Piscean energy encourages you to connect on a deeper emotional level with your partner or loved ones,” Samay says. “Nurture your connections through empathy and open communication. Your motto: It’s not about unconditional love, rather unconditional understanding.”
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Establishing balance is an essential part of Libra’s everyday life, and this lunation is no different. “The full moon encourages you to find a balance between your daily routines and your physical and mental health,” says Samay. “Engage in self-care practices that nourish your body and soul. Your body is asking for a reset.”
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22)
Don’t be afraid to tap into your creative energy during this full moon, Scorpio. “Embrace your artistic inclinations and allow your imagination to flow freely,” Samay says. “This energy supports projects that allow you to express your authentic self. The creativity portion is not a challenge for you, sharing it with the world will be! The work lies in believing in your artistry for others to embrace.”
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Sagittarians should prepare for a shake-up in the home and family department, per Samay. “This is a time to address emotional connections within your family dynamic,” the expert recommends. “It is a great time for a home reset. Remodel, deep clean, and move the energy in your home. You can even do an herbal home cleanse with sage and lavender leaves.”
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Because Capricorn’s third house of education will be activated this lunation, the earth sign will feel compelled to “engage in conversations that inspire, uplift, and explore opportunities for intellectual growth.” The expert also shares that Caps may find themselves taking charge or leading a seminar during this time.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
For Aquarians, this full moon is all about money, money, money. “Piscean energy encourages you to reassess your values and financial goals,” shares Samay. “This is a time to make mindful decisions about your resources and seek emotional fulfillment beyond material possessions. You are feeling this strongly with having to count every dollar, it is time to make a plan and budget for the rest of 2023.”
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
As the lunation occurs in Pisces’ first house, the water sign will experience a heightened sense of “intuition and emotional sensitivity,” per the expert. “Embrace self-care and self-love, and use this energy to set intentions for your personal growth and manifestation,” Samay suggests. “Work on strengthening the ‘I Am’ factor in your life. ‘I Am’ affirmations amongst your daily spiritual practices will bring forward a stronger bolder you!”
Brilla Samay, astrologer, mentor, and spiritual advisor