This season of Big Brother might only have started with 16 houseguests, but when you actually count the numbers, there are actually 18 houseguests. Remember, there's Liz and Julia, who make up the "twin twist," and then there's Austin and Judas, the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde twist. OK, maybe Big Brother 17 isn't actually counting Austin's alter ego Judas as another player, but it should. Judas is not Austin, and Austin is not Judas. These are two separate personas, and I don't think we've even seen the beginning of Judas this far into the game.
Judas was introduced to fans on the very same episode we met Austin. They entered the house together and have been switching places, unnoticed, for three weeks (mentally, not physically). But who is Judas? What do we know about Judas? We know that Judas comes out when the top hat comes on, so we've seen him a few times in the house thus far. I'm more curious about what his likes, dislikes, and take on the blue/black white/gold dressgate scandal was.
Let's start off with the name. The origin, while I'd like to think that Austin named him after the Lady Gaga song, is probably related to Judas from the New Testament. Judas betrayed Jesus, and is often a reference for when someone stabs someone in the back (something that happens a lot on Big Brother). Austin has gone by Judas since his wrestling days with WWE, where he went by Judas Devlin. So while "Judas" is the perfect name for someone inside the Big Brother house, there's actually a bit of a backstory to him.
Hopefully in the coming weeks we'll get to know more about Judas, but if for some reason Judas and Austin leave the house before then, let's try to fill in the blanks on the question "Who is Judas?"
You Definitely Should Be Afraid Of Him
Austin turning into Judas will haunt your dreams.
He Probably Hates Clay Aiken And Loved Ruben Studdard
Austin seemed very passionate about Clay Aiken's music, but Judas was most definitely rooting for the American Idol winner. Judas probably thinks "being number two is just the first to lose." (Judas also probably likes Drake.)
He Is Ready To Lie, Cheat, And Backstab
It kind of goes along with the name.
He's Looking For Love
My theory: Austin might have a girlfriend, but maybe Judas is looking for love inside the Big Brother 17 house. That's why he's gotten so close with Liz. We'll have to wait and see how that relationship develops. If you want to hear our thoughts on the potential budding showmance — or all of this season's showmances — make sure to check out Bustle’s very own Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room. Listen to the latest episode below, and be sure to check out future episodes on Bustle’s SoundCloud page.
Want even more Big Brother? Bustle’s App has you covered. It’s THE go-to place for any BB fan looking for round-the-clock Season 17 updates. BUT FIRST, you need to download the app from iTunes.
Images: Sonja Flemming/CBS; Pipinghotbuffalowings, Rockstrdentist/Tumbr; Giphy (2)