If the houseguests of Big Brother 17 are even half as excited as I am for this season, then it's going to be a very enthusiastic season. Among the fourteen houseguests on Big Brother 17 is Shelli Poole. Shelli will be competing for the $500,000 prize and the title of Big Brother winner. She is from Georgia, has an eye for style, and seems ready to take on the twists and turns once she enters the Big Brother house. But does she have what it takes to win the game? We'll have to wait and see once the game gets going, but she seems absolutely ready to expect the unexpected.
According to her CBS interview, Shelli is most worried about the seclusion of living in the Big Brother house. She also thinks the most difficult part of the game will be not knowing who to trust. Welcome to the game of Big Brother, Shelli. When asked about her favorite past players, Shelli was first to name Cody, because he's "so hot." She kind of made up for that by following up with Derrick (both from Big Brother 16). I'm not sure if Shelli is a huge fan of Big Brother, or she watched the most recent season and then did a quick Google search of popular players. Either way, it's her time to shine and become someone's favorite player (maybe).
Here's what you need to know about Shelli.
She's An Interior Designer & Home Stager
Shelli is an interior designer and home stager for houses on the market. I can totally see Shelli with a show on HGTV, so hopefully she's fun and likable, because I'm rooting for Staged By Shelli.
She's Very Close To Her Family
In her interview with Jeff Schroeder, before entering the Big Brother house, Shelli explained how much she'll miss her family. But this is a game, and she seems to realize that, so the seclusion isn't permanent. Hang in there, Shelli!
She Has An Adorable Dog
Shelli's Instagram is filled with "dogstagram" photos, so expect her to talk about her pup on the live feeds during down time.
She Has A Jewelry Etsy Shop
Along with interior decorating, Shelli also has an Etsy shop where she sells jewelry. You can't look at anything for sale now, unfortunately, because Shelli has marked the shop inactive because she is heading off on a "Summer Adventure." Wonder what that adventure is!
We'll see how Shelli does once she's in the house. But I'll leave you with this: When asked, Shelli said she'd rather lose and be loved by America than win and be hated.
Want more Big Brother? Listen to Bustle's latest Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room, below, and check out more new episodes on our Soundcloud page. And, of course, expect the unexpected...
Images: CBS; Giphy