What would Castle be like if part of the Castle team was missing? I don't know, and I don't want to find out. Seriously, pull the plug, ABC, if the show doesn't have both Richard Castle and Kate Beckett. If you can tell, there's some worry on my end of the future of Castle. The good news is that Castle has been renewed for Season 8, so celebrate accordingly! The bad news is that there might be some big changes in the near future for Beckett and Castle. [UPDATE: ABC has announced that Castle will premiere on Sep. 21.]
I would have genuinely felt cheated if Castle would have ended after this season. After all, Caskett was a long and traumatic journey that deserves more than one happy season, right? So I'm thrilled that the show is returning for Season 8. ABC hasn't announced a premiere date yet, but judging by past seasons' premieres, we can count on a fall premiere. Now, assuming all is right in this world, Beckett and Castle will return to the precinct with a new batch of mysteries to solve. But, because we can't always have nice things, there is an itty-bitty chance that Stana Katic, Beckett, won't be back. All together now: What.
According to TVLine, Katic's contract is up this spring and the negotiations have left Beckett's return a mystery. How would that affect the show? Probably not in a good way. But let's not think of the negative. Let's focus on the positive. Here are six things what we can look forward to when the show returns in the fall TV season.
1. More Wacky Episodes
Castle isn't claiming to be a serious legal-crime show, which is part of the reason I love it. I love when the episodes are so bizarre that Castle goes off on a wild tangent, only to learn that Beckett's "there's an explanation for everything" attitude is always right. Castle writers: The wackier, the better.
2. More Ryan And Esposito
These two are just as good of a team as Caskett, and there is always room for more Ryan and Espo. Whether it's more time spent on their personal lives, or just seeing them work side-by-side, I want more!
3. More Themed Episodes, Too
When Castle has a theme (like the Rear Window-themed episode above), I'm always so into it. Whether it be a Wolf of Wall Street inspired episode, or a Saturday Night Live episode, Castle knows how to stay relevant and timely.
4. More Family Time
I love Castle's dynamic with his family. With Martha studying up for a play, and Alexis constantly being awarded the "Most Perfect Child" award, maybe we can use a little shake up in the Castle family household, if you catch my drift (*cough*, Caskett baby).
5. More Beckett Kicking Ass
I'll try to get through this without thinking that Beckett might not even be on the next season. Beckett is awesome for many reasons, but the way she constantly kicks ass and takes names (and puts so many people in jail), is unlike any other TV character. We can't lose that! We need more and more of these women on TV, and losing one would be tragic.
6. Another Multiple Season Mystery
My favorite mystery Castle has ever done was the 3XK mystery. And now that 3XK is solved — hopefully — and Beckett put her mom's murderer away a while ago, we can welcome another multiple season mystery back into our lives. I'm totally game with a mystery revolving around something supernatural or out-of-this world, because I know that's the way Castle would want it.
Image: Danny Feld/ABC; Giphy (6)