After the Season 2 premiere shocker that Little Women: LA star Terra Jole was pregnant, it seemed like this season was jumping right into the drama. There was a lot of baby talk on the season premiere, when it seemed that the majority of the women on the show were trying to get pregnant, only to reveal that the "Booty Bee" singer was the expecting star. So how has Terra been doing since the big news? "It has it's ups and downs, which you'll see through the season. But I am content and well, right now," Terra tells me in an interview.
Terra and her boyfriend Joe Gnoffo might have been surprised by the news, but are very excited for their upcoming bundle of joy, expected in March of this year. It's not so far away, but Terra explains that they haven't found out the baby's sex just yet. "We actually don't find out until this coming weekend, which is actually the last episode," she says. So expect that big reveal during the season finale later this year.
When I ask if she had a preference as to what sex the baby would be, Terra leans towards "secretly wanting a boy," but says she is "completely OK with either a boy or a girl." As for names? "Joe and I are in constant battle of names. I am the one who likes unique names, Joe likes all-American, more traditional family names," she explains.
We saw on Wednesday's episode of Little Women: LA how the series' other stars felt about the news, and Terra seems to understand their reactions. "It's definitely a shocker. Nobody expects it, " she says. "Christy and Traci were trying to get pregnant from the very first day they were married, probably a day before they were married. The fact that this was unexpected for me, and it wasn't planned."
Originally, Terra only told Elena about her pregnancy, withholding the news from the four other women until the gathering we saw on Wednesday's episode. When Terra brought out baby-themed cupcakes to announce her pregnancy to the group, she was the last one they guessed to be pregnant. The news caused some tears at the potluck; Traci was visibly upset, as she's been trying to have a baby for a few months now, but was still happy for Terra.
To see how Terra's pregnancy affects her relationships with her fellow Little Women: LA cast members and what's next for her and Joe, we'll have to tune in to the rest of Season 2.
Image: Lifetime