If you have been on the Internet at all for the last two weeks, you are aware of the online sensation of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge which is spreading awareness for ALS and raising money for the ALS Association. If you're anything like me, you can't stop clicking on those random Facebook friends' videos when they dump ice cold water on their heads. On Thursday's live eviction episode of Big Brother, Julie Chen accepted the Ice Bucket Challenge and challenged every Big Brother houseguest in the history of the show to complete the challenge.
Which brings us to the current houseguests. Because they entered the Big Brother house at a time where the Ice Bucket Challenge was not an internet "thing" (because then Frankie would have been all over it), they didn't know about the sweeping trend on social media to raise money and awareness. That was until Tuesday afternoon, when the live feeds were cut as the houseguests were put on an indoor lockdown after hearing construction happening outside. "What is going on?" the entire Big Brother Twittersphere asked.
After the live feeds returned to us (and there I thought I was going to leave my apartment for the day...) we found out that the eight houseguests remaining all took the Ice Bucket Challenge. Judging by the fact that there was construction being done outside, I'm going to go out on a ledge and say it was done in a big way.
The houseguests are getting really good at nominating people inside the Big Brother house for eviction, and now they finally got to nominate people outside the house — to complete the challenge. It seems most of the houseguests nominated family, but shockingly Frankie didn't nominate Ariana Grande to do it. Then again, have you seen Ariana's hair? I would volunteer to take it for her just so her hair wouldn't have to get wet.
Here are my predictions of who the houseguests nominate:
Donny: His girlfriend Kristine and the cast of Jersey Shore
Christine: Her husband, Tim
Cody: His celebrity crush, Zac Efron
Frankie: We know Frankie nominated his mom, but I can't be the only fan who wishes he'd chosen Zach
Caleb: Amber (sorry, but he's still not over her)
Derrick: His wife, Jana
Victoria: A Kardashian
Nicole: Her friend, Mariah (there's also a chance Caleb could nominate her)
If you want to re-watch Julie Chen's Ice Bucket Challenge (or maybe I should say "If you want to re-watch Will Arnett lift a heavy bucket over his head (wink)") check out the video below.
Images: CBS; Giphy