Thursday's double eviction on Big Brother proved to be dramatic from the first second to the very final second. From Zach being saved by The Detonators to Hayden and Nicole sitting up on the block together during the second eviction, the episode barely gave viewers a chance to take it all in, and there was a LOT to take in. Most noteworthy, Frankie was exposed for turning on Zach and being a supporter of his almost-eviction during the beginning of Thursday's episode.
During the second eviction, Hayden and Nicole were up against each other on the block, and hearts around the nation were breaking as we knew one of the two would be ripped from the other's arms. Too dramatic? Well, that's what a double eviction night can do to a person! When they were given the chance to address the houseguests and plead for their survival, both Hayden and Nicole shocked viewers (and fellow houseguests) by exposing Frankie and Christine as the seed planters to evict Zach, earlier that week.
I don't think Frankie was necessarily the orchestrator of evicting Zach this week; he most certainly played a huge part in his almost-eviction, but he wasn't the one who thought of it. But once it was brought up, Frankie had no problem explaining to the other houseguests how Zach really does need to go. This is probably what Nicole and Hayden were referring to during the eviction ceremony. Frankie went around the house and explained to the majority of the houseguests that Zach was too unpredictable to have in the house, and sometimes you just can't work with certain people.
And during the week where the house flip flopped back and forth with who was going to be evicted, Frankie stuck to his guns in evicting Zach.
He even came up with a goodbye speech, a la Beast Mode Cowboy Caleb.
But, because Zach remained in the house and was informed that he was campaigned against by his strongest ally, a huge question right now is what is in store for Zankie's allegiance to each other? It seems like Frankie did a little deflecting when it came to talking to Zach about their allegiance to each other. And it was Zach who had to reassure Frankie of his loyalty! Did we just watch the same eviction ceremony? Frankie obviously figured out how to avoid the topic of his loyalty to Zach by saying that he was worried Zach was turning on him.
They seemed to have ended it on a good note, saying that they are 100 percent. But Christine and Nicole are still talking about how everything blew up this week, so for some reason, I don't think the dust has settled yet for Zankie.
Images: CBS