There has been a ton of speculation whether or not Big Brother houseguest Victoria can figure out Frankie Grande's true identity. She considers herself a huge Ariana Grande fan, and has grilled Frankie in the past about what his sister "Ari" looks like. It is yell-at-the-TV frustrating to listen to Frankie drop all of these hints with none of the houseguests taking the bait, but the struggle just got a lot more real when I realized that Victoria follows Ariana Grande on Instagram, and you know who is featured in a lot of her Instagram photos? You guessed it, Frankie.
So what Victoria is trying to tell me through the TV is that she has seen photos of Frankie and Ariana together, but hasn't made the connection between the Frankie on Instagram and the Frankie in the house. I understand that you don't see a lot of pictures on Instagram, especially if you follow a lot of celebrities, but Victoria follows 265 people on Instagram, and the majority of them are regular, non-famous people. Also, the fact that Victoria posts almost daily on the app, and that she is a photographer, leads me to believe that she is Instagram-obsessed (which I am too, so I'm not throwing shade).
There it is, in all of it's glory. So assuming Victoria sees the majority of Ariana Grande's Instagram posts (she posts A LOT of photos), what photos would that mean Victoria has most likely seen, specifically of Frankie? Note: The houseguests entered the Big Brother house on June 20. Let us examine what Victoria knows, but doesn't realize she knows.
Frankie is in a ton of Ariana's Instagram videos
I'll give Victoria the benefit of the doubt that she — like the majority of users — doesn't watch Instagram videos. Scroll.
He is the star of some of the photos
You're killing me Victoria. You've seen this before, I know it, just believe in yourself and you'll put two and two together.
He is also blatantly tagged in her photos
If there was ever a need for Victoria to put a name to a face, the time is now!
There he is, in all his Frankie glory
Come on, Victoria! How do you forget a face like that?
In addition to recognizing Frankie from Ariana's photos, Victoria should have also recognized their grandfather when Frankie received the photos of him the Sunday after his grandfather passed away. Ariana has always posted a ton of photos of her family, more specifically their grandfather, so how Victoria didn't have a lightbulb go off when she saw the pictures is beyond me.
Come on Victoria, blow his cover — I know you can do it.
Images: CBS; Ariana Grande/Instagram (6)