Oh, Kelly Kapowski. The hair-flipping, ab-baring, Saved By The Bell sweetheart was one of my biggest style crushes growing up — as well as an object of actual affection for most of the prepubescent boys in my elementary school. This master of lockerside-twirling knew her way around a crop top, plus the best coordinated pieces to win her dear Zack Morris's (speaking of crushes) heart.
Now that '80s and '90s nostalgia is in full force, I've found myself channeling Kelly's cool-girl sense of style more often than not. Of course a grown adult woman needs three printed bustier crop tops! You better believe all my summer jorts are high waisted! Has a patterned bodycon dress ever been the wrong choice? I don't think so.
I'm lucky enough to work in a creative place that's pretty down with everyone expressing themselves fashionably, but even the Bustle offices might not be into me showing up wearing just a one piece bathing suit a la Kelly in Zack's season one fashion show. Still, I'm having a crazy hard time not blowing all my paychecks on Kelly-inspired clothes. Here are some of her best-but-least-office-appropriate style moments I'm totally channeling anyways now that the weather is warmer.
Her Standard Ensemble
Crop top? Check. High-waisted, light wash jeans? Check. The best hair I have ever seen on a human being? Check.
Her Pastel Uniform
Fact of life: No one pulls off head-to-toe florals quite like Kelly Kapowski. And she always managed to find a coat that perfectly coordinated with her prints.
Her Pink Polka Dots
See what I mean about matching?! This is unreal.
Her Biker Girl Moment
Taking a break from all those florals and pastels, Kelly looks like the badass girl I always trick myself into thinking I am. Too bad I wear super thick, plastic-rimmed glasses.
Her School-Ready Suit
Here's that one-piece I mentioned before. Clearly, there was no dress code to speak of for the Bayside Tigers.
Her Sexy Gym Clothes
Leave it to Kelly to turn a frumpy, oversized tee into a totally trendy crop top. Will be stealing this move, thanks.
Her Chambray Moment
Wait! I could totally actually get away with this! Right? Right?! Jessie and Lisa are on point, too.
Her Sequin Bikini
Annnd we're back to completely inappropriate. Who cares if this might blind fellow beach go-ers? I am definitely on the hunt for a sparkling suit for summer.
Her Cheerleading Uniform
Okay, I might not steal this one. But she still looks freakin' fab.
Images: NBC; Giphy