We’re always hearing that we could be having better sex, a better orgasm, or a better relationship. But how often do we hear the nitty-gritty of how we can actually better understand our deepest desires and most embarrassing questions? Bustle has enlisted Vanessa Marin, a sex therapist, to help us out with the details. No gender, sexual orientation, or question is off limits, and all questions remain anonymous. Now, onto this week’s topic: the best sex positions for nipple play.
Q: “I LOVE getting my breasts and particularly my nipples touched. I’ve been close to orgasming solely from nipple stimulation on numerous occasions. Nipple stimulation during sex is like a peak sex experience for me. The problem is it’s hard to get that stimulation during sex. My boyfriend and I default to Missionary more often than I’d like to admit, and it’s just too hard for him to stroke my breasts as he’s also trying to keep himself propped up. I’d like to get creative with some new position ideas. Any recs?”
A: Thanks for the question! Nipple stimulation isn’t one of the first things most people think about when conjuring up new sex positions, which is a shame! So many women enjoy having their nipples played with, and some women can even have nipple orgasms. Here are eight amazing positions for getting nipple stimulation during intercourse — plus some extra bonus ideas for how to get that sensation you crave.
1. Woman On Top
How To Do It: Have your partner lie flat on their back. Hop aboard, with one leg on either side of their body, and your head facing their head.
Why It Works: In this position, it's easy for your partner to reach up and play with your breasts. If your partner’s arms are short, you can lean forward to make for easier access. Try this ultra-hot move if you like rough nipple play — have your partner squeeze your nipples, as if trying to prevent you from moving. You’ll want to rock back and forth on top of them, but you’ll get an extra little sting each time you do.
2. Sitting Up Woman On Top
How To Do It: Have your partner sit up. They can be on a sofa or cushy chair, or you can stay in bed and have them lean against the wall or headboard. Climb aboard as you would in normal Woman on Top.
Why It Works: In this position, your breasts are even more up close and personal. Your partner doesn’t have to hold up their weight, so their arms are free to caress you.
3. Propped Up Doggy
How To Do It: Kneel on a sofa or a comfortable chair, and drape your body over the back. Rest your arms on the top of the sofa or chair. You can also try this in bed if you have a thick headboard. Your body will be almost completely upright, just bent over a bit.
Why It Works: In regular Doggystyle, it can be difficult for your partner to reach around and fondle your breasts. This position makes them much more accessible, but you still get that hot from-behind action.
4. Lotus
How To Do It: Have your partner sit on the bed. They can be cross-legged, or they can stretch their legs out in front of them. Climb on top of their lap. Wrap your legs around their body.
Why It Works: Your bodies are super close in this position, so it’s easy to get some nipple action. This position is also great for rubbing your breasts all over your partner’s chest.
5. Lap Dance
How To Do It: Have your partner sit in a chair, on a sofa, or on the edge of the bed, with their legs spread wide. Face the same direction that they are, and ease your way back between their legs. You’ll probably need to use their hand to guide their penis or dildo into you. Brace your weight on the sofa, chair, bed, your thighs, or your partner’s thighs. Bob up and down, or grind in slow circles.
Why It Works: This is another great from-behind position. Your partner can easily reach around and play with your nipples and breasts. This is also a great position for fantasizing or role-playing, since you won’t be able to see your partner’s face.
6. Spooning
How To Do It: Both of you lie on your sides, facing the same direction. Your partner should be behind you.
Why It Works: This is one of the sweetest, most sensual sex positions. Your partner can easily wrap their arm around you and give your breasts all the attention they deserve.
7. The Low Backbend
How To Do It: Have your partner lie flat on their back. Get on top, straddling them. You should be facing their feet instead of their head. Slowly start to lean backwards. You eventually want your back to be flat against your partner’s chest. If you’re not that flexible, you can prop yourself up on your elbows so you’re leaning most — but not all — of the way back.
Why It Works: All your partner has to do is lay back, so it’s extremely easy for them to use both hands to give each nipple an equal amount of love.
8. The Easier Backbend
How To Do It: Have your partner sit up on a sofa or chair. You can also try sitting up against the headboard. Like you would in The Low Backbend position, straddle your partner, facing their toes. Lean back so your back is pressed against their chest.
Why It Works: If The Low Backbend is too intense for you, try this position. It requires far less flexibility, but will give you the same benefits.
Titillating Bonus Tips
Can’t get enough nipple stimulation? Here are some additional ideas for getting the sensation you crave:
- Touch your nipples yourself. If you’re in a position where your partner can’t reach your breasts, you can show your girls some love on your own.
- Get active. Rub your breasts and your nipples all over your partner’s body. Aim for their mouth, their nipples, their back, and even their genitals. This can be a really sexy move, and it works well when you both need a breather.
- Lube them up. Try adding a bit of lube or oil to your breasts, to make it even more fun to massage them.
- Use toys. There are so many toys you can use to bring extra stimulation to your nipples. Try nipple clamps, nipple suction cups, vibrators, feathers, or light whips.
- Adorn them. Some women love the feeling of lacy lingerie against their nipples. Try wearing a really hot set as you’re getting down. You can even look for bras that leave the nipple open for extra tweaking. Or try out harnesses, like this incredible number from Zana Bayne, which will draw more attention to your nipples without covering them. You might even enjoy getting creative with some nipple tassles or an edible bra!
Have fun!
Images: Caroline Wurtzel, Mary Blount/Bustle