There just aren't enough hours in the day. Before you know it, the same day that's been dragging on has suddenly turned into night, and you need to get your life together before you can meet up with your friends for happy hour. There are some #blessed people who can manage to shift from work to play modes in five minutes flat. And then there are those of us who have to carry a makeup bag stuffed with products into the bathroom and do some serious primping in order to transition our makeup properly. But not anymore!
With the right tricks and products, there's no need to stash doubles of your makeup collection or even haul them into the office bathroom as soon as the clock strikes 5 p.m. Instead, you can just go as you are. No mirror? No complete redo? No problem! It might not seem like a huge deal, but the freedom to power down your computer (hands down, the best part of the day), grab your bag, and go can save you more time than you think.
So in partnership with Shiseido, here's how to take your makeup from day to night in just a few steps.
Take Time To Prime
Full circle: Your EOD makeup depends on how you started your day. The single best way to guarantee good makeup all day (and night) long is to set the stage with healthy skin. So, of course, that means moisturize. Without the proper hydration, not only will your makeup not wear as well, but it might actually crack.
Your next step is to layer a primer beneath everything you plan to wear — your foundation, your eyeliner, even your lipstick. It'll pay off in the long run by ensuring your makeup stays put.
Invest In Foundation That Lasts
The right makeup formula plays a huge part in how well it performs throughout the day. This is a big deal, since research shows that at work, women check how they look in the mirror an average of eight times a day. Ain't nobody got time for that — literally. That's why Shiseido's Synchro Skin Lasting Liquid Foundation SPF 20 is such a game-changer. Its synchronizing technology can sense what your skin needs during the day and adjust accordingly, so you can finally stop using the selfie camera on your phone to double-check how you look. (Check out the video below to see how the foundation works IRL.)
Give Your Skin A Refresher
Thanks to your foundation, your skin probably still looks good. But just to add a dewy finish, it helps to spritz your skin with a botanical-laced face mist. You get a healthy dose of hydration without having to completely redo your makeup. And since most mists only contain a handful of ingredients, it's easier than ever to create your own DIY concoction. Simply brew some tea, add in herbs and oils (i.e., jojoba oil and mint), pour it in a spray bottle, and refrigerate. Use it as a midday pick-me-up or as you're heading out of the office.
Touch Up The Easy Stuff
Think mascara, blush and lipstick. You don't necessarily have to remove anything to put on a fresh layer. In the case of crumbly mascara, just coat lashes with a lengthening mascara from the mid-lengths to the tips (will gives them a faux-lash effect without any of the work). As for lipstick, your original shade has probably disappeared by now. (Blame the eight coffees.) So you can simply add another swipe of it, or, if you've touched up your color throughout the day and it's just as fresh as ever, double up with a coordinating color to help you create a cool, ombré effect — or just a totally new shade altogether.
Now that you've got the whole day-to-night thing down, ditch the mirror, and go!
This post is sponsored by Shiseido. Take the #GoMirrorless challenge by trying the Shiseido Synchro Skin Lasting Liquid Foundation SPF 20 and showing us your makeup at the end of the day.
Images: Pexels; (4) giphy