Before reality TV was even a thing, there was the Bronco chase, where O.J. Simpson ran from law enforcement for two hours shortly after being charged with the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman of which he was later found not guilty. The same day, Simpson's close friend Robert Kardashian read a letter to the press left by Simpson that resembled a suicide note. On The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story , O.J. Simpson's suicide note, famously signed with a smiley face "O" in "O.J.," is read by Kardashian (played by David Schwimmer), as millions watched the famous chase go down.
In the first episode of The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story, Simpson is seen leaving notes for his loved ones in his office, shortly before fleeing Kardashian's house during the investigation (just after the police come to the house to arrest him). In reality, Simpson actually did leave a suicide note to his loved ones, friends, fans, and the press chronicling his thoughts about his ex-wife's death, his children's future, and his innocence. That day, Kardashian stood in front of the press and read the letter from his friend, which can be seen in the original broadcast of the press conference below, and in the second episode of the FX series.
In the beginning of the letter, Simpson maintains his innocence in the murder of his ex-wife, mentioning that while they didn't have a perfect relationship, he "loved her."
First, everyone understand. I have nothing to do with Nicole's murder. I loved her; always have and always will. If we had a problem, it's because I loved her so much.
Recently, we came to the understanding that for now we were not right for each other, at least for now. Despite our love, we were different and that's why we mutually agreed to go our separate ways.
It was tough splitting for a second time, but we both knew it was for the best. Inside, I had no doubt that in the future we would be close friends or more. Unlike what has been written in the press, Nicole and I had a great relationship for most of our lives together. Like all long-term relationships, we had a few downs and ups.
Also in the letter, Simpson addresses the press directly, asking that they leave his children in peace.
I don't want to belabor knocking the press, but I can't believe what is being said. Most of it is totally made up. I know you have a job to do, but as a last wish, please, please, please, leave my children in peace. Their lives will be tough enough.
After personally addressing his friends and confidants, Simpson mentions "Paula" [Barbieri], the woman he was allegedly with at the time.
Paula, what can I say? You are special. I'm sorry I'm not going to have, we're not going to have, our chance. God brought you to me, I now see. As I leave, you'll be in my thoughts.
Simpson seems to note that taking his life would not "subject" his children to the accusations that would come with him still being alive.
I think of my life and feel I've done most of the right things. So why do I end up like this? I can't go on. No matter what the outcome, people will look and point. I can't take that. I can't subject my children to that. This way, they can move on and go on with their lives.
He also makes a comment about Ronald Goldman, the man killed along side Nicole Brown Simpson.
I'm sorry for the Goldman family. I know how much it hurts.
He ends the letter pleading with those reading it to remember the "real O.J." and not "this lost person."
Don't feel sorry for me. I've had a great life, great friends. Please think of the real O.J. and not this lost person.
You can read the entire letter here.
Images: Michael Becker/FX