Call me traditional, but what ever happened to the old fashion love story? You know, boy goes on TV, boy meets 25 complete strangers (with no connection to them), and eventually starts eliminating them based on who he falls in love with. This season, The Bachelor is spicing things up with an addition to the cast that has a connection to a former flame of Ben's. One of the contestants on The Bachelor , Jami, is a friend of Kaitlyn Bristowe, the woman that Ben dated on the most recent season of The Bachelorette.
While I think it is strange that a friend of Kaitlyn will be dating her "ex," it's not the strangest twist this season (I really can't get started about the twins. I won't stop.) According to Reality Steve — The Bachelor and Bachelorette keeper of all-knowledge — Kaitlyn and Jami used to work at someplace called Cactus Club "back in the day." It appears that the Cactus Club Cafe is a restaurant in Vancouver, where both women have lived.
We'll have to wait until the season premieres to find out if these two are still friends, or if it is a strange coincidence that they know each other (spoiler: I don't think The Bachelor believes in coincidences). Personally, I can totally see Kaitlyn wanting to set up her friend with Ben, since who wouldn't want to set their friend up with Ben?
Looking back in social media, it appears that the two still keep in touch, if not still close friends. After a bit of digging, the two appeared in an Instagram photo, posted by Jami, from November 2013.
I really don't think that a photo from November 2013 says much about a relationship, since I don't even know who I was hanging out with over a 100 weeks ago. But, it at least proves that they know each other. But then, in September 2014, Jami made her Facebook profile photo the Instagram photo from 2013. I'll note that this was months before Kaitlyn appeared on Chris Soules' season of The Bachelor, so it seems like it wasn't at all a "look my friend is on TV" move, either. A mark of a true friend, perhaps?
And then we have this photo, from June 2015. Not only is this a recent photo — that proves the two still hang out/ communicate — but it looks like they actually have fun together, which I think basically solidifies that these two are definitely friends.
Hopefully Kaitlyn gives her friend Jami some advice into the wonderful world of Ben Higgins' heart. Not only would it be nice to see that Kaitlyn supports her friend on the show, but also wants Jami and Ben to end up a thing. Then, she could totally be in the wedding party. (That wouldn't be weird, right?)
Images: Craig Sjodin/ABC