There are many mysteries on American Horror Story: Hotel, but none greater than how the hell Ms. Evers gets her sheets so white. Just kidding, I have about a million more important questions, starting with, What is going on this season? Ms. Evers is Mr. March and the Hotel Cortez's laundress. She has been seen hovering throughout the hotel during the season, gloating to the guests how she can clean just about any stain. Comforting. But there's still a lot to learn about Ms. Evers, which quickly became obvious during the rather disturbing Mr. March introduction.
There's no doubt that we'll learn more about Ms. Evers as the season develops. She is kind of like reminiscent of Moira from AHS: Murder House, in that she's always there and knows a lot. Here's to hoping she isn't a clean freak with a penchant of serving up brains! We know that Ms. Evers is the laundress for the hotel — and has been for a very long time, judging by the flashbacks — who is still roaming the halls of the hotel, removing stains with her secret ingredient... love. But, no one's character is that simple on AHS, so there's got to be more to this sweet lady than meets the eye. Let's review what we do know about Ms. Evers.
She's Mr. March's Loyal Minion
There's a strange relationship between Mr. March and Ms. Evers that we'll hopefully learn more about throughout the season. For example, why is Ms. Evers so loyal to Mr. March? She is aware that he is murdering people, but seems to turn a blind eye to it and perform her duties as a laundress. It suggests that maybe she has a particularly evil streak, as well, or she is hoping to get some reward from helping Mr. March.
She Was Mr. March's Last Victim
Well, at least while he was alive. We know from the flashback that moments before the police bust — which March's ex-wife has been suspected of tipping the cops off — Mr. March and Ms. Evers both died before the police could kill them. March shot Ms. Evers in the head before slitting his throat.
She May Be Cheery, But She Has A Dark Past
According to TV Guide, "Ms. Evers has a child who has been kidnapped by Gordon Northcott." Northcott was the inspiration for Angelina Jolie's The Changeling. In the '20s, Northcott abducted, molested, and murdered young boys at his chicken ranch in Los Angeles. He also "rented" victims to wealthy Californian pedophiles.
She Can Get A Stain Out Of Anything
Ms. Evers might be a bit of a mystery, but we know that she can get a stain out of anything. Which is equal parts comforting and concerning, considering the stains are usually pools of blood.
Images: Frank Ockenfels/FX; thisiswhoiamlikemeornot, kinipelah, horrorstorygifs (3)/Tumblr