He's baaaack, and the crew on Below Deck could not be more excited. On Tuesday's episode of Below Deck , chef Ben Robinson returns to the vessel, causing the entire fandom to let out a huge sigh of relief. Sorry, Leon, but we missed our favorite chef from Season 1 and 2. This season just wasn't the same without him, but now his absence is a thing of the past. And not only is Ben returning to the ship — welcomed with arms wide open, might I add — but he is seemingly going to get along with Kate. Which is kind of amazing.
In the exclusive clip of Tuesday's super-sized episode, Ben returns to the ship and is given a warm greeting from his former crew members. Even Captain Lee gives Ben a big hug and tells him he looks good. Previously on Below Deck, Ben and chief stew Kate didn't "always get on." Thats kind of an understatement, as flashback clips show that these two had some pretty ugly fights. But fear not, because Ben says that the two have "patched things up" and even had a couple of romantic flings since then.
Check out the clip below to see Ben's return to the ship and Kate's reaction, and make sure to check out a super-sized episode of Below Deck, Tuesday at 9 p.m. to 10:15 p.m., on Bravo.
Images: screengrab/Bravo