Ah, the vampire. It's one of those classic Halloween costumes that has all sorts of iterations (scary, sexy, sparkly...) so it never really gets old. This could partially be because vampire makeup is pretty easy — one of the easiest "special effects" looks to pull off last minute, in fact. All it takes is some red eye shadow, black lipstick, and just a touch of well-placed fake blood.
If you've got your fangs and black ensemble sorted, Nick Lujan, MAKE UP FOR EVER Managing Educator, is here to help you nail the rest of your spooky costume. Naturally, the key ingredient to a good vampire look is blood. Not too much! Just enough to show off your taste for pretty humans without being too sloppy. And, as it turns out, some of Kylie Jenner's techniques for creating the perfect overlined lip come in pretty handy as well if you want to create a believable blood sucker.
Check out the clip below for a quick (seriously, like five minutes quick) vampire makeup tutorial. If that doesn't quench your Halloween thirst, head over to Bustle's YouTube channel for a gory wound how-to, professionals reacting to "sexy" costume versions of themselves, and tips for how to DIY your very own pumpkin keg.
Products Used: MAKE UP FOR EVER Aqua Black; MAKE UP FOR EVER Artisan Brush #300 Lip Brush; MAKE UP FOR EVER Artist Shadow #M-846 (a red color); MAKE UP FOR EVER Coagulated Blood; MAKE UP FOR EVER Thick Blood