She is the queen bee of Ladies of London, but even the economy can stop fabulous Caroline Stanbury from reigning all of the land. On Ladies of London , Caroline received news that Gift Library, her business, was going to need to shut down. Gift Library, was in a way, the website incarnation of Caroline Stanbury, and with it shut down, you might be wondering what Gift Library was in its prime.
So what is Gift Library, you ask? (Or what was, RIP.) You know that moment in life when you're going to a really swanky birthday party. I'm talking, like, Super Sweet 16 swanky — Rihanna could show up. And you're like, damn, I can't bring some basic Panera Bread gift card to this shindig. I need something classy. That's where Gift Library comes in (or came in). Gift Library was a luxury e-retailer site that curated the best of the best gifts for its clients.
Gift Library boasted a very impressive clientele when it was still in business. Currently, if you type in, you will be directed to, a competitor luxury retailer that scooped up when it shut down. So, what was Gift Library all about before it closed its doors?

Frost Yourself In Jewelry
This necklace retailed at just over $424. Perfect for a summer dinner party hostess gift, wouldn't you say?
Pucker Up With A Lipstick Clutch
Get this clutch (retail around $500) as an end-of-year gift for your favorite ~fashionista~.
Buy For That "Hard To Shop For" Friend
In reality, Gift Library also offers gifs that will help you shop for your trendy friends.
Dress Your Dog In Cashmere
For the luxury puppies, of course.
Drape Yourself In A Popsicle
A popsicle scarf, that is!
Adorn Yourself With Keychains
You want a fluffy red keychain modeled after Karl Lagerfeld's cat, Choupette? Gift Library had your back, for the small fee of over $200.
The items on this list are just a curated selection of what Gift Library had to offer its clients. Unfortunately, people nowadays don't really need a middle man to buy gifts, which could be the reason the popsicle scarf wasn't enough to keep the company in business. Don't worry, Caroline. We still love you.