Come out, come out, where ever you are, Eggs 911. On Thursday's mind-bender of an episode of How to Get Away with Murder , Eggs 911 might have been revealed by a photo Wes has of Rebecca and some friends. Since Season 1 ended, the mystery of who Eggs 911 was loomed over us. In the Season 2 premiere, Eggs 911 texted with Michaela, but nothing ever came from it. But when Michaela coincidentally meets a tall, dark, and handsome stranger asking for her cell phone, well — maybe the coincidences don't really exist.
Right before she died, Rebecca texted a mysterious number: "Eggs 911. Lawyer's house." No one knows what it means — we all have our theories — but even the students were curious as to the secret message. Michaela, who was put in charge of the cell phone with the message on it, texted the mystery person in Episode 1, hoping to learn clues as to what was going on. Eggs 911 texted back, but chances are, Eggs 911 went a step further and met Michaela in person to figure out what happened to Rebecca.
Stay with me.
In the courthouse, Connor and Michaela were approached by a mystery person named Levi. He shamelessly flirted with Michaela, who said she wasn't interested, trying to get her cell phone "to put his phone number in." Mhmmm. If that's not the oldest "did you murder my friend Rebecca" trick in the book, I don't know what is.
We don't know at the time that Levi and Rebecca are connected. In fact, we don't put the two things together until the end when Wes looks at a photo of Rebecca and three friends, one of them Levi. Wes doesn't know anything about Levi, since he wasn't in the courthouse with Michaela that day, but the show conveniently cuts to Michaela and Levi on a date at the same time. Suspicious much?
My bet is that Eggs 911 is Levi, and Levi wants to figure out why Michaela has the phone Rebecca texted from. Tracking is pretty easy these days — scary, I know — so finding Michaela wouldn't be all that hard. Levi seems to be wining and dining Michaela — mostly wining — to get a hold of her phone so he can prove that Michaela was with Rebecca at the time of her disappearance. Where he'll go from there? Well, your guess is as good as mine. I don't have a magic crystal ball! But, I'm betting he won't be happy if he thinks Michaela was involved with Rebecca's "disappearance."
Images: Mitchell Haaseth/ABC