Kim Zolciak-Biermann is returning home — and no, not to The Real Housewives of Atlanta(although, that would be amazing). In an exclusive clip for Don't Be Tardy , Kim returns to her childhood home in Windsor Locks, Connecticut with her husband Kroy. The two, who are in town for a casino appearance Kim is scheduled for, stop by Kim's childhood home, that is no longer in the family, to reminisce about Kim's childhood and take a walk down memory lane. Lucky for Kim and Kroy, fans of hers currently live in the house and are happy to oblige to a quick house tour so Kim can show Kroy where she grew up and see how much has changed.
In the clip, Kim questions if she should knock on the door of her old house, but once the current owners of the house open the door and welcome her in, it's clear that Kim is transported back in time to when she was growing up. "Being back at Windsor Locks, I just feel like a normal person," Kim says, while graciously thanking the house's owners for welcoming her. She takes Kroy and the current owners on a mini-Kim Zolciak Life Tour of the house, showing off where her mom's salon was, talking about her old ("as dirt") neighbor, and even remembering the decorations that used to accompany the home when she lived there.
Check out Kim's walk down memory lane in the exclusive clip below. Kim returns to her hometown during this Sunday’s episode of Don’t Be Tardy at 10 p.m. on Bravo.