A year after the premiere of Lifetime's The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story, fans of classic sitcoms are being gifted with yet another movie that shows happened behind-the-scenes of one of their favorite shows. This time around, Full House fans will be the ones tuning in, and according to one of its stars, should be very pleased with the result. The Unauthorized Full House Story is meant to "honor" the legacy that Full House created for family sitcoms in the late '80s and early '90s, says star Justin Gaston, who plays John Stamos in the TV movie.
This should be reassuring to any fans who were worried about seeing their favorite characters (and the actors who originally played them) brought to life by a totally new cast, a concern that Gaston understands. "I think when someone else tries to step into [a very clear idea of a character and an actor], they're very reluctant," he says, adding that he hopes fans of Full House let their guard down and realize that the cast and crew of the TV movie are "just trying to honor this great show." And to reassure you even more, Gaston loves Full House too. "I'm a fan of John Stamos and the show, so I'm just trying to do my best," he says.
Fans might be surprised to see that this movie isn't necessarily about exposing any deep dark secrets from the cast of Full House. While The Unauthorized Full House Story will touch on what was happening in the actors' personal lives during the 1987 to 1995 run — even Gaston says he was "surprised to find out a few things" — it's much more of a "love letter" to the show itself and the characters on it.
As far as the original Full House cast goes, Gaston has seen some of their criticism of the movie, but hopes that they give it a chance. "I understand their reluctance, you don't know how people are going to portray you," he says. "I think they'll be pleasantly surprised...it's a very positive outlook." The Full House cast just might be won over by their Unauthorized depictions after Saturday night.
Image: Scott Schafer/Lifetime