Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe. *Shakes head*. You're really not a likable guy on Bachelor in Paradise, are you? Ever since Joe joined the Bachelor in Paradise cast, he has become someone that is not the Joe I thought we had on our hands during Kaitlyn's season. Joe joined the cast late — drama, I get it — but didn't make the best first impression with Clare and the cast after making a comment about Clare being on the show for the second time. But it was Joe using Juelia for a rose that seemed to really cement him in the shady character of the week. And honestly, he needs to go.
When Joe arrived to Paradise, he was given a date card. He didn't have anyone in particular that he was looking to take on a date, so he offered up the date to a large group of cast members. Juelia, being the super nice person that she is, said she wanted to go on the date with Joe. From what the audience saw, the date went swimmingly. Like the "when are these two walking down the aisle?" kind of great. But, then things took a quick turn when some of the cast started noticing that Joe was not as elated about the date as Juelia was.
After some speculation that Joe wasn't into Juelia the way that she was into him, Joe revealed to a producer what he was really thinking. And it was wrong on so many levels. First of all, Joe said that Juelia wasn't that smart.
Then he started talking about Samantha, from Chris Soules' season. It was obvious that he came on Bachelor in Paradise hoping to meet Samantha, which would be fine if he wasn't stringing along Juelia while he was at it. It was also obvious that Joe was just entertaining Juelia because she would give him a rose. His speech even upset the producer to the point where she told Joe to tell Juelia his true feelings. (As of now, he has yet to be honest.) He made it seem like he was there for Juelia during their date, and then he turned around and trashed her to the camera. It was infuriating to watch.
Juelia has given up a lot to be on Bachelor in Paradise, like time with her daughter. She has a very storied past, and really deserves the best in life. And, from the looks of it, Joe is not the best. In fact, he's actually kind of the worst.
Images: Rick Rowell/ABC