There’s nothing wrong with a little phone time. It can be relaxing while you scroll, and scroll, and scroll some more. Checking social media is an irresistible way to glaze over after work when your brain needs a break, and it also helps you stay in touch with what’s going on around the world. You know, like Pommel Horse Guy and the rise of Brat Summer and .
The thing is, when you’re used to laughing at Instagram Reels or tearing up over cute dog videos on TikTok, the rest of your day can start to seem boring in comparison. This is all thanks to the dopamine rush that comes from social media. The constant onslaught of info brightens up your brain and keeps you coming back for more. When your FYP is truly perfect, it can be nearly impossible to step away.
While some zodiac signs are good at cutting down on their screen time — and many even forget about their phone altogether — others truly need to take a break from social media. Some clues to watch out for? According to Calm.com, you might need to detox if you’re scrolling for hours, feeling stressed or jealous by what you see online, or staring at your phone late into the night to the point you miss out on sleep.
To get a breather, try setting screen time limits, deleting your favorite apps off your phone, or giving yourself a set amount of time to post, like, and catch up before you go do something else. Below, the three zodiac signs most addicted to their phones who are in desperate need of a detox.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
As a sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, you often feel like social media was made just for you. Geminis love to post, repost, share, and, scroll — so much so that you often forget there’s a whole world going on outside your phone.
You’ll know it’s time for a social media detox if you find yourself embroiled in yet another comments section argument. While you do enjoy making a point, and you are full of passion and opinions, it isn’t healthy to pump yourself full of stress hormones on a regular basis.
Geminis tend to be chronically online. Your social media habit often means you’re the most informed, and often the funniest, person in any room, but it also means memes and TikTok tunes are constantly playing in your head.
If you catch yourself cracking an internet joke in real life, especially if nobody knows what you mean, that’s your cue to partake in a few other hobbies that don’t involve your phone as a way to give your brain a break.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Virgo is another sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and expression, and it’s what fills you with the need to be on Instagram 24/7. In fact, there’s a good chance you have a popular TikTok or a YouTube channel that’s quickly becoming a part-time job.
Virgos often have a hard time stepping away in the off hours, like at night, early in the morning, or on the weekends. You might check your phone the moment you wake up or scroll until your eyes get heavy at 2 a.m. If you feel tired all the time, it might be time for a detox.
As an earth sign, you’re more than happy to get comfy on the couch for a good, old-fashioned day of rotting. This is when you catch up with all your favorite influencers and celebs, but beware comparing yourself to them.
It’s easy for perfectionist Virgos to feel inferior after seeing someone else’s shiny house, awesome job, or enviable daily routine. If you feel bad about your own life after being online, treat yourself to some much-needed downtime.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
If you’re a Libra, there’s a good chance you’ve fallen asleep with phone in hand more than once. On particularly tech-heavy nights, it might have even dropped and hit you in the head. This is the first time you need a detox.
Since you’re hopelessly drawn to social platforms as a chatty, plugged-in air sign, it’s extra easy for you to go overboard with the scrolling. You can spend an entire Sunday on TikTok, only to look up bleary-eyed at 8 p.m. with no memory of the day. That’s your second sign.
Thanks to your loving Venus ruler, you always like to see what your friends are posting, but you’re especially fond of sharing content of your own. It’s tough for you to go out to dinner — or even on a date — without snagging a few videos and posting on your Stories. You love to watch the likes and comments roll in, but it also wouldn’t hurt to live in the moment a little more often.
To give your mind a quick break, try cutting down on your screen time, possibly by using the “App Limits” feature on your phone, and spending a few more phone-free hours a day. It’ll be so refreshing to spend a little more time outside, with a book, or with your friends in person.