
These 3 Zodiac Signs Are The Most Chill

Cool as a cucumber.

by Carolyn Steber
These are the three most chill zodiac signs, according to astrology.
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Certain zodiac signs seem to float through life with the greatest of ease. Scary work meeting? No prob. Busy day? No worries. Miss the bus? Seriously, it’s no big deal. They’re immune to stress and always ready to kick back and relax. If they can squeeze in a quick nap or linger a little longer on their lunch break, they’ll do that, too, almost like they’re on a perpetual vacation.

Their counterparts are the more intense zodiac signs like Leo and Aries, who are as fiery as they come. Other signs, like airy Libra and Gemini, also seem OTT in comparison as they drive conversations, lead groups, and settle disputes. These signs can be rebellious, loud, and outgoing in an immediately noticeable way, while others have that same intense energy cooking beneath the surface.

Scorpios, for instance, may seem unbothered on the outside, but their insides are constantly broiling with thoughts, feelings, and emotions. The same is true for Cancer, who may have a tough exterior — like a crab — even though they’re secretly heated inside. (That’s the water sign way.)

To make it on this list, you have to be calm in every sense of the word. The most relaxed zodiac signs are genuinely laidback in their approach to daily life and also unbothered by stressful situations. They have a chilled-out demeanor that brings a calming energy wherever they go, and they won’t be caught hurrying or worrying.

Keep reading below for the three most chill zodiac signs.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

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Many Tauruses give off sleepy, happy, laidback vibes. As a fixed earth sign, they have an even-keeled approach to life that keeps them steady no matter what comes their way. They’re unflustered by work stress and unbothered by the ups and downs of dating. If they get stood up at a restaurant, they’ll simply order an Aperol spritz and carry on with their evening.

This Venus-ruled sign, represented by the slow and steady bull, is the loving friend you need to turn to for advice. A Taurus won’t join you in freaking out about a tough situation. Instead, they’ll lean back in their chair, assess what’s going on calmly, and then they’ll offer tips to help shift your perspective.

Tauruses also move at their own pace, no matter what. You won’t catch this earth sign rushing or running around, and many only wear watches as a cute piece of jewelry. They know the world won’t stop turning if they get somewhere five minutes late, so they’ll get there when they get there.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

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Instead of getting caught up in the heat of an intense moment, Aquarius is the type to take a deep breath and assess the bigger picture — well before they react. As a fixed sign ruled by Uranus, the planet of intellect, they can always think their way out of stressful situations. An Aquarius will calmly figure out how to navigate a busy airport after missing a flight or how to change their tire in a clutch situation on the side of the road.

Aquarius, ruled by the 11th house of friendship, also enjoys meeting new people and getting along with others. They’re open to all types of relationships, and their curiosity allows them to dive into potentially divisive conversations without getting flustered. They’re often found vibing out in bars or relaxing in the grass at festivals.

What really makes them chill, though, is their detached, independent energy that allows them to rise above the chaos. An Aquarius will be more than happy to do their own thing — and they certainly don’t care what anyone else thinks. If anyone’s going to eat dinner alone or go on a solo trip, it’s this air sign.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

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Pisces may be an emotional water sign, but they still aren’t the type to get riled up. Their big feelings mainly impact their appreciation for the world around them, which is why they’re often called the dreamers of the zodiac. They’re happy to sit in a park and stare up at the clouds or rest at home as they mind their business and enjoy their own company.

As a mutable sign, they’re also super adaptable, flexible, and go-with-the-flow — just like a fish. When problems arise, they dive in and look for possible fixes, or they just accept mistakes and mishaps and shrug as they say, “It is what it is.” Pisces is open-minded, too, so they rarely take comments or criticisms personally. They have an “I’m just happy to be here” golden retriever energy whether they’re at work, with friends, or out in the world.

Instead of blowing up in stressful moments, Pisces will use their good communication skills to express how they’re feeling, and their high empathy to assess what their pals or partner might be thinking. They’re very tapped into the universe and the bigger picture, and it’s a trait that allows them to take deep breaths, relax, and let things go.