There are so many things to love about living alone. There’s the peace and quiet, the endless girl dinners, and the fact that you don’t have to answer to anyone, except maybe your cat. These are just some of the perks that inspire certain zodiac signs to get a place of their own.
According to astrologer Stina Garbis, the signs who like to live alone are often the most individualistic members of the zodiac. It does, after all, take some gumption to run your own house, watch your own pets, and do 100% of the chores without the help of a roommate, partner, or parent.
It sounds tough, but for many signs, it’s actually what they like most about living on their own. While other people love a loud house or the presence of a partner, these signs thrive when they get to create their own sanctuary, decorate with abandon, and stretch out across their very own bed.
They don’t want the drama, crowds, or compromises that come with sharing a space. This desire often stems from a sign’s ruling planet, says Garbis, which might make them value things like privacy, solitude, freedom, and comfort.
Below, the zodiac signs who like to live alone, according to an astrologer.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
As a fire sign ruled by Mars, as well as the first sign of the astrological year, Aries feels their best when they get to be wild, independent, and free.
They love the idea of dancing alone in their living room, coming home to an empty house, and handling all the ups and downs of life on their own. They’ve never met a piece of IKEA furniture they couldn’t assemble solo or a drippy sink they couldn’t fix singlehandedly.
They also like to operate on their own schedule, says Garbis, whether that means staying up all night or sleeping in until noon. They don’t like being bothered or told what to do. If they had a roommate, they would feel snappy and on edge, which is why they’re willing to spend extra money to enjoy their own space.
While they may eventually decide to live with a partner, Garbis says most Aries thrive when they’re living alone, and many wouldn’t have it any other way.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus is perfectly happy to live alone, especially since it means they get to call all the decorating shots. This sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and luxury, so they have very strong opinions when it comes to interior design.
The thought of arguing with a partner over paint colors or knick-knacks sends shivers down their spine, and that’s why they’re always going to want their own space. They’ll pull strings, get a second job, or downsize just to ensure they have that option, though Garbis says many Tauruses have money to spare.
According to Garbis, earth signs also value independence, but unlike Capricorn and Virgo, who are OK with sharing their space, Taurus prefers to have guests over for short periods of time before shooing them away at a reasonable hour.
Once they socialize a bit, they’ll firmly lock the door, turn back to their lavishly decorated living room, and sink into the couch where they’ll watch exactly what they want on Netflix.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
If anyone can appreciate the peace of having an entire apartment to themselves, it’s Scorpio. As an introverted water sign, Scorpio likes to turn completely off at the end of the day, and they find that difficult when they’re sharing a kitchen with roommates or a bed with a partner.
“They want to be able to go home, shut the door, close the curtains, and put on some moody music,” says Garbis. Just like a little scorpion hiding in a rock, this sign likes to have their own safe space where they can truly be themselves.
Scorpios also have a lot of the traits associated with Pluto, the distant celestial body that rules over the sign. Pluto gives off independent vibes and it also represents transformation, which is one of Scorpio’s favorite topics.
According to Garbis, living alone is one of the best ways for Scorpio to figure themselves out without anyone interrupting — or getting in the way.
Stina Garbis, astrologer