Here’s What Each Zodiac Sign Needs In A Friendship
Do you need a good listener or a travel companion?

No two friendships look the same, and that’s because everyone needs something different when choosing their closest connections. While some people value friends who will meet them across town at 11 p.m. for a night out, others look for pals who listen to them, comfort them — and text back within 30 seconds.
According to Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, each zodiac sign has something they need and want in a friendship, and it’s often related to their ruling planet or element. For fire signs, they tend to feel close to those who can keep up with their chaotic lifestyle — though some benefit from finding a bestie who will act as their calm, collected voice of reason.
Meanwhile, many water signs appreciate companions who bubble over with kindness, trustworthiness, and empathy. These sensitive members of the zodiac aren’t going to waste time with pals who spill their secrets or make them feel bad for sending back-to-back texts. If the vibe isn’t right, they’ll move on.
For astrology lovers, it’s no surprise to hear that earth signs won’t put up with friends who waste their time. Ever left a Virgo waiting while you ran late? It probably didn’t end well. Of course, air signs are similar to fire signs in that they like to have fun, but they also value good communication.
Wondering what your sign needs most in a friendship? Keep scrolling below for an astrologer’s take.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
As a fun-loving fire sign, you need a friend who’s equally chaotic, adventurous, and down for anything. You’ll find a BFF for life in someone willing to drop everything and go on a road trip or fly to Vegas for a whirlwind weekend. “Aries thrive on adrenaline and enjoy the thrill of trying new things,” says Wang. “They want a friend who can match their energy and bring excitement into their lives.”
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Calmness & Stability
As a Taurus, you simply don’t have patience for the type of friend who only shows up when they need something. As an earth sign ruled by relationship-oriented Venus, your ideal pal is someone there for you through thick and thin. You value stability, closeness, and connection — and that means you don’t have time for unpredictability.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Fun Convos
As a Mercury-ruled air sign, you’ll be besties with anyone as long as they can hold a great conversation. “Geminis desire a friend who can exchange ideas and provide mental stimulation,” says Wang.
Your ideal BFF would message you back within seconds, keep a bit going in your chat, and send you thought-provoking TikToks throughout the day. You don’t believe it’s possible to text too much — and you value someone who can keep up.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Emotional Support
If you could create the perfect best friend from scratch, you’d want one who drops everything the moment you’re upset. While you might not want to admit it, you do tend to get upset when you’re stressed — and that’s why you appreciate friends who let you vent regularly.
As a water sign ruled by the ever-changing moon, Cancers feel comforted by friends who provide a nurturing, empathetic presence, says Wang. You love when they hear you out, hold space, and then reply to your five-paragraph DMs with soothing, comforting words.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Positive Energy
Leos don’t have time for anyone who will bring them down or dim their shine. As a fire sign ruled by the sun, you can only listen to a friend complain about a partner or whine about a job for so long before you need to cut them off.
You have a lot of warm energy and a strong lust for life, and you don’t want it to be dampened by someone who’s constantly in a bad mood. What’s the one thing you need most in a friendship? Positive energy.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
When you make brunch plans for 11 a.m. you expect your friend to be there on the dot, though you will award bonus points if they’re also 10 minutes early. As a pragmatic earth sign, you appreciate friends who respect your time and the ones who stick to the plan. According to Wang, nothing irritates a meticulous, Mercury-ruled Virgo more than a friend group that’s constantly running late or being indecisive.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Harmony & Balance
Since chatty, Venus-ruled Libras are usually the first ones to reach out and make connections, you love nothing more than a friend who texts first. You’ll feel inspired to make someone a BFF friendship bracelet if you ask them how they are or check in with them during a tough time.
As an air sign who tends to overthink, you also appreciate friendships that ground you, says Wang. You’re always on the lookout for an equal sense of give and take and a calming presence.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Loyalty & Trustworthiness
It’s so tough for Scorpios to open up, which is why you want a small circle of close pals who make you feel safe and secure. As a water sign you tend to have big feelings you’d love to share, but you can only do so if you feel like you truly trust your friends.
You’re also ruled by Pluto, which means you’re constantly going through transformations. It means you need someone who can keep up and stick with you through all your ups and downs.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
A Voice Of Reason
While some signs lean into their fiery spontaneity, you’re secretly on the lookout for a friend who will help you feel grounded. According to Wang, Sagittarians have an adventurous spirit, and that’s definitely something to hang onto, but you always love the way you feel when friends remind you how nice it is to stay in one spot for a while. Sometimes you need a pal who will talk you out of moving to Costa Rica — at least for now.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
A Cheer Section
As a Capricorn you’ve gotten used to moving at a mile a minute. You’ve always been driven, whether it’s in school, at work, or in your hobbies. As an earth sign ruled by Saturn, the planet that governs long-term goals, you always see your projects through to the end, too — that’s why it would feel nice to find a friend who sees and appreciates all your hard work. Your ideal friend would be your own, personal cheerleader.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Freedom & Space
Even though Aquarians rule the 11th house of friendship, it doesn’t mean you want to be surrounded by your people 24/7. The thing you value most in a friendship is the ability to disappear for a while without anyone freaking out.
You want the freedom to not text back for a while or to lie low for a weekend without your besties getting mad. It’s because you’re an air sign ruled by rebellious Uranus. If someone can give you space, you’ll truly love them for it.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Emotional Connection
As a Pisces, you want nothing more than to hold your friends’ hands, sit close to them on the couch, and philosophize about the deeper meaning of the universe. According to Wang, you aren’t one to go to wild parties or raucous nights out. You appreciate when someone’s just as low-key and thoughtful as you are. This is all thanks to your Neptune ruling planet and water sign element, which fills you with empathy and a desire for close connections.
Letao Wang, astrologer, spiritual counselor