The world is full of positive affirmations and popular platitudes like, “Always be yourself,” “I am confident,” and “I am successful.” These mantras are great when you’re first dipping your toe into the pool of gratitude and self-love, but if you’re looking to start your day with an affirmation that speaks directly to you as a person, consider your zodiac sign.
According to astrologer Stina Garbis, positive affirmations work best when they feel personal to you. “We can affirm our strengths all day long and that’s awesome, but it’s just as important to seek awareness in the areas that we are lacking,” she tells Bustle.
Each zodiac sign has a long list of positive traits, but each one also has plenty of shortcomings and things they naturally struggle with or need to improve — and that’s where your mantra can come to the rescue. “Harnessing the power of affirmations to enhance areas in your life that need a little boost of energy or attention is a smart way to use them,” says Garbis.
Keep reading below for the perfect affirmation for each zodiac sign. Write yours on a note and stick it to your mirror or say it to yourself daily for a boost of confidence, a jolt of energy — or a much-needed reminder.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
“I embrace my courage and take bold steps towards my goals.”
According to Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, Aries thrives on action and assertiveness, so it makes sense to repeat a mantra that’s all about owning your fire sign power, especially in a world where people might think — or heavily imply — that you’re a bit “too much.”
Instead of holding back or toning down, look at yourself in the mirror and repeat this mantra. “It will encourage you to harness your natural bravery and push forward without hesitation,” says Wang.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
“I am open to change.”
As a homebody earth sign, it’s easy for Taurus to fall into a rut. While it feels so right to do the same thing every day, your love of habit can make you feel stuck — and even a little bit bored — as the months go on.
According to Michelle Bell, founder of the astrology app Cosmic Fusion, this mantra is exactly what any Taurus needs to hear. “Being OK with new vibes will help you level up and snag fresh opportunities,” she tells Bustle. Who knows? Once you try something new, you might realize you actually love stepping outside your comfort zone.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
“I communicate clearly, and my thoughts inspire others.”
As an air sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, it’s easy for Geminis to spin a yarn, but it isn’t as easy for you to nail down a concise point.
If it feels like you need to rein in your gift of the gab, try this mantra on for size. “You can sometimes struggle with expressing your ideas,” says Wang, “but this affirmation will promote clarity in your interactions.”
Let it ring in your head as you chat with friends, give presentations, and lead meetings, and remember that you truly have important things to say.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
“I honor my emotions and allow myself to be vulnerable.”
It makes sense why Cancers are represented by the crab. As a sensitive water sign, you like to sink into your shell and protect your feelings. Not only do you hide your worries from others, like your well-meaning friends who often encourage you to vent, but you sometimes hide your feelings from yourself by pretending everything is OK — even when it isn’t.
As a reminder to let go, repeat this mantra regularly. As Wang says, “This mantra will help you embrace your emotions, fostering self-acceptance and emotional growth.”
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
“I shine brightly, illuminating the path for myself and others.”
As an outgoing fire sign, Leos often get flack for stealing the spotlight and running the show. It’s common to hear Leos described as selfish or conceited when in reality you’re natural-born leaders who are meant to inspire others.
“This affirmation will boost your self-confidence and serve as a reminder of your powerful presence,” says Wang. If you ever catch yourself dimming your light, say this to yourself as a reminder to keep standing out.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
“I am enough just as I am, and I trust the process of life.”
Virgos are practical earth signs with a laser focus on perfection. It’s why you can be hard on yourself at work, in relationships, and even by yourself. (Seriously, how many times have you side-eyed your apartment and wondered why it isn’t spotlessly clean?)
“This affirmation encourages you to acknowledge your inherent worth and embrace life’s journey with patience,” says Wang. Say it out loud as a reminder that you’re doing just fine and are on the right path. This mantra will also remind you to be OK with moments of imperfection. You’re still a great person — even when you have dishes in the sink.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
“I learn from everyone I meet.”
Loving, Venus-ruled Libras are great friends and amazing partners. It should be crystal clear that everyone values and appreciates you, but as an air sign, it’s so easy for you to overthink your daily interactions and leave wondering if you could have done things differently.
To get out of your head and back into reality, Garbis recommends shifting your focus externally. Instead of ruminating after an interaction, think about what you loved about the other person and what you learned from them. Chances are they’re doing the same thing.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
“I am fearless in my vulnerability.”
Scorpio, the water sign ruled by transformative Pluto, loves nothing more than to feel safe and secure. It’s why you’re always wary in relationships and often hold back when it comes to opening up.
To feel more secure, and to start trusting everyone around you, repeat this affirmation. “Scorpios unlock next-level growth when they embrace vulnerability,” says Bell. “Being emotionally open leads to deeper connections and major personal power.” So keep it in mind the next time you feel yourself turning too far inward.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
“I bloom where I am planted.”
Sagittarians love nothing more than to feel wild and free. As a fire sign ruled by lucky Jupiter, you’re most at home on the open road, whether you’re literally on a road trip or simply daydreaming about where you want to go next.
That said, you can go overboard when chasing a feeling that always seems just out of reach. It’s why you’re always on the move, but when you get to your destination you often realize your problems have followed you.
To find peace, Garbis recommends this affirmation. “It’s just what a Sagittarius needs to hear.”
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
“I am worthy of success and rest.”
Everyone knows Capricorns are the workaholics of the zodiac, but your earthy zodiac sign is so much more than that. You appreciate the finer things in life — even if you rarely have time to enjoy them.
To make sure you’re striking a good balance between who you are in the office and IRL, remind yourself to relax. “Capricorns are grinders, but this helps them remember that they deserve both their wins and some self-care,” says Bell.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
“I am free to express my true self.”
Aquarius, the air sign ruled by innovative Uranus, is the quirkiest member of the zodiac. This is a good thing, as it means you’re full of big ideas and have an interesting POV, but it’s also something that makes you feel self-conscious sometimes.
To remember who you are, stick this mantra on your mirror. “Aquarians are all about originality, and when they lean into their true self, they inspire others and lead with major visionary energy,” says Bell.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
“Life doesn’t have to be hard work to make it work.”
As the most sensitive water sign, Pisces often feel like they aren’t cut out for the real world. It’s why you escape into daydreams often, and why you feel like you can’t quite find your perfect fit, especially when it comes to jobs.
While other people may pressure you to climb corporate ladders or take on more work, it’s OK if that doesn’t feel like “you.”
“Pisces should embrace ease in life,” says Garbis. “If you find yourself over-complicating things, that’s a good sign that you need to take things one day at a time. Always remember you’ll get where you need to go at your own pace.”
Stina Garbis, astrologer
Letao Wang, astrologer, spiritual counselor
Michelle Bell, founder of the astrology app Cosmic Fusion