
185 "Who Knows Me Better" Questions For Quizzing Family & Friends

Find out who really keeps track of the little things.

by Bustle Staff
Originally Published: 
ask these "who knows me better" questions to quiz your friends
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Have you ever wondered who knows you best out of your friends and family? Well, there’s one surefire way to find out: asking them “who knows me better” questions. This is a cute game to play over dinner, at a party, or while on a long car ride — and it’s also the perfect way to figure out who actually listens when you talk. (A sign of a true best friend.)

So, how do you play “who knows me better”? First, you’ll need to gather at least two people to compete against each other. Each player should find something to write on, like a whiteboard, a sheet of paper, or even their phone’s Notes app, as well as something to write with, like a dry-erase marker, pencil, or pen.

After everyone has an answer sheet in hand, you can ask a question from the list below. The players will have 30 seconds to write down their answers. After the 30 seconds are up, the players will reveal how they answered at the same time. Bonus points if they turn their answer around slowly, for a dramatic reveal.

This is where the fun happens. You can see who answered correctly — and thus who gets bragging rights — and who answered completely incorrectly. If they want, they can then take a moment to defend their answer or explain their thought process. That said, only correct answers will be rewarded a point. As the host of the game, you can keep track of everyone’s points on a score sheet. the person with the most points at the end of the game wins!

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If you’re wondering what good “who knows me better” questions to ask or don’t know where to start, don’t fret. Bustle outlined some options for you below. Here are 125 funny, deep, and even slightly embarrassing “who knows me better” questions to quiz your family and friends.

All The Best “Who Knows Me Better” Questions

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What’s my all-time favorite movie?

What’s my middle name?

What’s my favorite food?

What’s my favorite color?

When is my birthday?

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Where did I grow up?

What’s my zodiac sign?

Who’s my celebrity crush?

Where did I go to college?

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What’s my favorite season?

How many siblings do I have?

Which do I like more: sweet or salty snacks?

Am I an early bird or a night owl?

Nikola Stojadinovic/E+/Getty Images

Who is my oldest friend?

Where do I see myself in five years?

Do I prefer to stay in or go out on a Saturday night?

What’s the last show I watched?

Liquid Sky Studio/E+/Getty Images

What’s my dream job?

What’s a relationship red flag for me?

What’s a show I can watch over and over again and never get tired of?

Tim Robberts/DigitalVision/Getty Images

What’s a country I would like to visit in the future?

Who’s my favorite singer or band?

Who was my first crush?

When I was a kid, what did I want to be when I grew up?

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What would a perfect day for me entail?

Without looking at my page, what’s the last thing I posted on Instagram?

What’s something guaranteed to make me laugh?

Goodboy Picture Company/E+/Getty Images

Am I a cat or dog person?

What’s my weirdest quirk?

What’s my hidden talent?

What’s something I’m really bad at?

What’s a job I would hate?

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Am I more of a planner or more of a “go with the flow” type of person?

What’s one rule I always break?

Would I rather have an elephant-sized dog or a dog-sized elephant?

Jordi Mora igual/Moment/Getty Images

If I were a superhero, what would be my superpower?

What position do I sleep in?

What’s my biggest pet peeve?

What’s one non-essential item I would bring to a deserted island?

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What’s my biggest fear?

If I could only have one, would I choose money or power?

What am I most passionate about?

Am I an introvert or an extrovert?

Do I want to get married in the future?

What would my wedding colors be?

Do I want kids in the future?

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How many kids do I want?

Am I a glass-half-full or a glass-half-empty type of person?

What are the morals I live by?

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Am I an optimist, realist, or pessimist?

If I could time travel, would I travel to the past or the future?

What’s the last book I read?

What has been the lowest point in my life?

If I was a cartoon, what would be my outfit?

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What has been the most embarrassing moment in my life so far?

Have I ever broken a bone?

Have I ever had braces?

What’s the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever done to get a crush’s attention?

What’s my daily average screen time?

What’s the worst trouble I’ve ever got into?

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What song do you think I would sing in the shower?

What’s something embarrassing you know about me that no one else does?

What is something my parents have told me that I’ve never forgotten?

What’s the pettiest thing I’ve ever done?

What movie character am I most like?

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What would my parents say is my worst personality trait?

What would people say is my best personality trait?

What was my worst subject in school?

What was my best subject in school?

What school project do I remember the most?

If I was in a talent show, what would I do?

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How would you describe my taste in music?

What’s my go-to late-night snack?

How much time do I spend on social media a day?

What’s my reaction to seeing a spider in the room?

What’s my go-to karaoke song?

What’s my morning routine?

What time do I wake up?

What time do I go to bed?

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What would I do on a rainy day?

What’s my guilty pleasure TV show?

What’s my sense of direction like? Good or bad?

Would I say a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable?

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Would I say a hotdog is a sandwich?

How do I react to horror movies?

What would happen to me if I was in a horror movie?

What do I do on long flights?

What’s my coffee order?

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Did I care about grades in school?

What was my favorite subject in college?

What was my favorite toy as a kid?

What board game makes me the most competitive?

AleksandarNakic/E+/Getty Images

What was my favorite cartoon as a kid?

What was/is my family’s go-to vacation spot?

Do I play an instrument? If so, what?

What was my favorite holiday growing up?

What holiday gift was my favorite?

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At what age did I learn how to ride a bike?

What was my first pet's name?

What type of car did my family drive?

Did I past my driver’s test the first time?

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What was my favorite sport as a kid?

What did I do in the summer as a kid?

What was my first screen name?

What’s the name of the road I grew up on?

Did I have a favorite neighbor growing up?

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What would my ideal date night look like?

What’s the one type of date I would never go on?

Would I want to go to dinner on a first date? Yes or no?

Do I have a favorite writing instrument?

Anchiy/E+/Getty Images

What about a movie date? Yes or no?

What about an adventure date? Yes or no?

Have I ever been in a long-distance relationship?

What’s my most embarrassing nickname?

FG Trade Latin/E+/Getty Images

At what age did I have my first kiss?

How long was my longest relationship?

How long was my shortest?

Do I have a “one that got away”?

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What’s my type when it comes to dating?

Do I keep in touch with any exes? If so, who?

Do I have a go-to opener on dating apps?

What’s my love language?

How would you describe my ideal partner?

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Which do I like better, coffee or tea?

What’s my go-to comfort food?

What are my “big three” in astrology? (Sun, moon, and rising signs.)

What’s my shoe size?

What celebrity do I most look up to?

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What color are my eyes?

How tall am I?

What’s my favorite flower?

What’s my favorite ice cream flavor?

What’s my favorite outfit I’ve ever worn?

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What’s my go-to pizza topping?

Do I prefer to drive or be the passenger?

What’s my weirdest quirk or habit?

Which part of my home is the cleanest?

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Which celebrity impression is my best?

Who is my least favorite ex?

Where do I shop most often?

What is my least favorite chore?

How many alarms do I have to set in the morning?

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What takeout do I order the most?

What’s the best thing I’ve ever spent money on?

What was the first concert I ever went to?

How many dollars do I have in my wallet right now?

Do I make my bed every morning?

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How many pairs of shoes do I own?

Who is my favorite artist?

Do I have a library card?

What’s my preferred streaming service?

If I was in a sitcom, what would be my catchphrase?

Tim Robberts/DigitalVision/Getty Images

What reality TV show would I be great on?

What competition show would I totally win?

Do I prefer being in front of or behind the camera?

How likely am I to leave someone on read?

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What’s my favorite gem stone?

Do I prefer gold or silver jewelry?

Do I keep my email inbox at zero?

What’s a task I’ve been putting off for months?

What time was I born?

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What’s my favorite non-alcoholic beverage?

Do I prefer the pool or the beach?

What would I bring to a potluck?

What scent do I love the most?

Do I collect anything?

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Do I have a sweet tooth?

Was I a picky eater as a child?

If I could play any Olympic sport, what would it be?

Who is my favorite athlete?

What is the last thing I ordered online?

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Do I have a favorite app on my phone?

How many photos do I have on my phone?

What is my average Screen Time?

Do I prefer Spotify or Apple Music?

Who was my top streamed artist last year?

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Do I prefer still or sparkling water?

What is my sandwich order at a deli?

What will you always find stocked in my fridge?

At any given moment, what percentage is my phone charged?

What topping would I get on an ice cream sundae?

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Do I prefer a bed-rot day or a productive day?

Am I more of a black cat or a golden retriever?

If I was in a band, what instrument would I play?

What do I always have in my purse?

Do I prefer FaceTime or phone calls?

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