20 Helpful Resources For Those Mourning The Loss Of A Loved One
You are not alone.

It’s been reported that demand for support from bereavement charities has increased exponentially during the pandemic. Demand could double in 2020 and people are calling for more funding to go towards grief services and resources, said the Guardian. It’s incredibly difficult to go through a loss alone. Whether a loved one has passed away due to illness or accident it can be completely debilitating to process. Here are some grief charities and services that have hotlines and specialists on hand to support you in your time of need.
People don’t experience loss and grief in the same way. There’s no singular fix solution and losing a loved one can leave you feeling isolated and alone. Studies have linked loss to anxiety and depression and have also highlighted the different kinds of grief people can go through. Talking to someone who understands the circumstances of which you lost someone and who is able to give you sound advice can help you feel heard. So, here are some general and specialist grief services and resources.
Samaritans runs a hotline which is open 24/7. The charity has experts on hand to help you in your time of need. They'll listen to you, and if it’s appropriate they’ll point you in the direction of other people that may be able to help you. Your mental health can really suffer as a result of a loss of the loved one and Samaritans is a great listening ear.
Cruse Bereavement
Cruse’s key aim is to give people somewhere to turn when a loved-one dies. The organisation offers support, advice, and information to anyone who has lost someone. It has a national helpline and a website packed with resources from therapists and people who have experienced grief.
Grief Encounter
Grief Encounter supports children, young people, and their families after a loss. It’s been reported that one in 29 children under the age of 16 will suffer the loss of a parent. Grief Encounter has experts on hand to support young people in processing the death of a loved one and facilitates specialist resources.
At A Loss
At A Loss was established in 2016 with to help prevent loneliness among those who have been bereaved. Their website has incredibly useful resources on grief and processing loss. It also works with other bereavement organisations and charities to highlight wider networks of facilities and resources available.
Bereavement UK
Bereavement UK started as an MSN online bereavement group and has grown into a platform which connects bereavement counsellors and specialists to those in need, offering confidential help and support. It offers a free ebook, as well as details to reach out to experts.
Mind is one of the leading mental health charities in the UK. It’s estimated that one in four people will struggle with their mental health. Loss and bereavement can trigger anxiety and depression which are best managed with help and support. Mind's website brings together articles and resources, and they run a helpline to support those struggling with mental health issues.
Papyrus is a charity which supports people dealing with suicidal feelings or the loss of a loved one to suicide. The organisation runs a helpline and email help service, as well as featuring lots of helpful resources and links to other useful organisations on its website.
Beat is one of the leading charities in the UK that supports people living with eating disorders and their families. It’s estimated that 125 million people in the UK suffer with some form of eating disorder and many don’t talk about it. If you've lost a loved one to an eating disorder, Beat has a number of experts and resources which could help you.
PETAL Support
PETAL supports people who have lost someone to suicide or homicide in Scotland. It offers counselling and other therapies, as well as online resources to help you understand what you’re going through and process your grief.
Survivors Of Bereavement By Suicide
Survivors Of Bereavement By Suicide is an online network where people who have lost loved ones to suicide can share their story, connect with others who have gone through a similar thing, and access help. It’s a safe, confidential environment which provides counselling services for adults who are bereaved and raises awareness around suicidal thoughts and feelings.
Relate is one of the leading family counselling services in the UK. When someone passes away it’s very unlikely that they’ll be grieved in the same way by everyone they knew. Sometimes the pain of loss can cause tension in families and relationships. The counsellors at Relate are trained in helping mediate discussions between couples and family members in difficult times.
Alzheimer's Society
Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading dementia charity and supports families and people suffering with the disease. As they campaign for change, fund research to find a cure and support people living with dementia, their website it packed with helpful resources for people who have lost loved ones and how to cope when someone close to you is living with dementia.
Macmillan Cancer Support
Macmillan Cancer Support has specialists on hand to support people and their loved ones no matter their experience with cancer. Their website helps connect families who are going through similar things, and their hotline can provide emotional, practical, and financial guidance.
The Loss Foundation
The Loss Foundation has brought together experts and resources to help people who have been bereaved due to cancer. They run support groups and events across London in the hope of creating a network and community of people to support one another.
Refuge supports those dealing with domestic abuse and domestic abuse survivors. It’s estimated that two women a week are killed by a current or former partner. Losing someone in this way is traumatising and it can feel so difficult to get answers. The Refuge website draws together experts and resources to help the families of victims.
Support After Murder & Manslaughter
Support After Murder and Manslaughter is a platform dedicated to people who have lost someone close to them through murder or manslaughter. The charity offers a confidential service for those who have been bereaved to talk through how they’re feeling and link up families who have been bereaved in similar ways.
RoadPeace supports people those who have either experienced road traffic accidents or lost a loved one in a crash. They help people who have been severely injured and provide solidarity and support to those who are grieving. Their website is packed with information and helpful resources.
SSAFA is a charity which supports veterans and family members of people in the army, navy, and airforce. It ensures that people feel supported and that includes helping people who have lost a loved one during their time serving access the right help for them. They have a hotline and can also be contacted via email.
Army Widows Association
The Army Widows Association was established in 2004 and aims to provide support, comfort, and friendships for people who have lost their partners during their time serving in the armed forces. They run events and have built a community especially designed for widows of service people.
Hospice UK
Hospice UK is the leading charity supporting hospices and end of life care. When you have a loved one who has entered a hospice it can feel like the grieving process starts prematurely. They have experts on hand who understand what you’re going through and provide information and emotional support.
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