Here's What Tracy Anderson's New MyMode Workouts Are Really Like
Think full-body primal movements.

Tracy Anderson is the fitness expert behind viral workouts, like The Method, that fill up immediately in her New York City studios. In a world of repetitive HIIT routines and grueling strength training, countless people — including celebs like Tracee Ellis Ross and Gwyneth Paltrow — are drawn to her unique mix of low-impact, bendy moves.
Now, the buzzy trainer has introduced MYMODE, Anderson’s newly launched workout style that incorporates specially designed fitness tools to use in your at-home sweat sessions. Think of it as an upgrade to her traditional choreography-based workouts, only with sleek equipment that’s meant to be used as an extension of your body as you move.
I feel like I’ve seen it all as a fitness writer, but even I was shocked when the MYMODE box arrived at my door. I instantly went from having the typical pile of dumbbells and Pilates tools to a full-blown at-home gym — and one that promised to guide me through a whole host of full-body primal movements in the most aesthetically-pleasing way. Read on for what it was like to try Tracy Anderson's MYMODE workouts for a month.
What Is Tracy Anderson’s MYMODE?
With MYMODE, you get a collection of tools — including a workout box, hand weights, ankle weights, resistance bands, and a giant staff that looks like something a wizard would have — that swivel, adjust, and move with you as you bend, reach, and engage in over 2,000 multidirectional movement algorithms. Each piece of equipment is mostly made of recycled wood, instead of plastic or metal like your usual gym gear, so they’re sustainable and much less of an eyesore. You also get access to Anderson’s custom on-demand workouts taught by herself, as well as a team of instructors.
The goal is to train intuitively and intelligently in a primal sort of way so you can get back in touch with your body and mind. The workouts are available in varying degrees of intensity, so they’re accessible for all fitness levels, too.
MYMODE workouts come in four modes: Genesis, Refresh, Primal, and Peak. Genesis is the beginner mode that helps you build bodily awareness and fundamental muscular strength. Refresh offers intermediate-level workouts, then there are Primal classes, which are advanced and feature total-body strengthening plus cardio. And finally there’s the Peak level, which is a full-on shred mode focused on dynamic muscle sculpting.
There are also three types of MYMODE experiences you can sign up for: MYMODE Lite ($87/month plus the equipment), MYMODE ($140/month plus the equipment), and MYMODE+ ($226/month plus the equipment). With MYMODE+, you gain access to personal coaching with one of Anderson’s top trainers who will work with you to create a completely customized experience.
My Experience
My MYMODE journey started with a quick assembly of the staff (you just need to twist a few pieces together) and the unboxing of various ankle weights, resistance bands, and super-light dumbbells. I loved how natural everything looked, seeing as it was made of wood, and how light it felt. Again, a far cry from my usual equipment.
I then logged onto Zoom and chatted with my coach, LaShonna, who asked me about my workout goals. I told her that I absolutely had to try the staff, because I’d never done any workout with a tool like that before. She set me up with a beginner Genesis routine that incorporated it into the mix. My assignment was to repeat the same workout a few times throughout the week to get in a groove, work my muscles, and get a feel for this style of exercise, before checking back in to get my next routine.
While I’ve used all sorts of interesting workout tools — from Pilates gliders to ab rollers to TRX bands — nothing compares to moving elegantly with a staff as you do bendy, twisty, Tracy Anderson-approved movements. This first workout involved gliding through a series of kickbacks while holding onto the staff before sitting on the workout box and kicking a leg forward. It was all very dancerly, and I liked how the staff felt like an actual dance partner — or, at the very least, an extension of my arm. I loved how it gave me an anchor for more balance and length, too.
Speaking of dance, each MYMODE workout starts with something called the Opening Ceremony, which is essentially a warm-up where the instructor wriggles their arms around to music for ten or so minutes. According to my coach, it’s meant to help you connect to yourself and the workout, and I have to say it did get my blood pumping.
These fun moves are a big part of Anderson’s overall approach to fitness. As a former dancer, she does lots of free movements with her arms and light hand weights during her routines as a way to activate the accessory muscles, as opposed to the larger muscle groups, for a dance-inspired fitness routine. For the same reason, the trainers keep a extra-light grip on the weights, so I tried to follow suit.
For my next workout, LaShonna recommended the Week 13 video from the Refresh section so that I could move with Tracy. This session incorporated the staff, the box, ankle weights, and resistance bands. We were standing on the box, kneeling on it, and sitting on it, and it all happened in a graceful flow that kept me moving — and sweating — in the most unique ways for the entire 45 minutes.
One thing that stood out during these workouts is that the instructors don’t always talk to you. The routines often dive right into the Opening Ceremony, and they don’t explain how to do any of the moves as the routine continues. Instead, they face away from you so you can follow along, which was easy enough to do.
I let LaShonna know that these workouts felt great, but that I’d love to dive into more glute training, so she pointed me in the direction of a Genesis Week 20 workout which toned down the dance choreography and focused more on the booty. I also tried Refresh Week 34, which added a 10-pound weight to the staff for a little more strength training.
The Takeaway
As I did these MYMODE workouts, I noticed that I wasn’t sore the way I tend to be after other types of cardio or strength training routines, even though they were so intense. Instead, I felt loose and stretchy and like my range of motion had improved.
This is definitely a super unique way to train — though one that is a hefty investment. Still, I was struck by Anderson’s distinct approach to movement. I’m into the flowy, dancerly movements and how they made me feel. Not every exercise routine gets you stooping, standing, kicking, and reaching the way MYMODE does.
I also can’t see how you’d ever get bored with MYMODE. New workouts drop every week, and no two are the same. It’s an ideal example of muscle confusion — and one that’ll always keep your body guessing.