40 Flirty Texts To Send After An Amazing First Date
Step 1: Don't overthink the timing.

After a night spent strolling through the park, eating ice cream, and building tension in a restaurant booth, you might be too busy replaying the splendor of it all — or relaying details to friends — to even think about what to text after your first date. But it is a good idea to send a follow-up message or two soon after, especially if you'd like to keep the ball rolling.
Regardless of whatever “rules” you’ve heard in the past, don’t overthink the timing of this text, or who should text who first. “If you had a nice time and feel a connection, [send a text] after the date, once you’re home,” says Mindie Barnett, a motivational speaker and host of dating podcast A Race For The Ring. “There is no ‘right time’ — if you’re authentic, that’s all that matters.”
Steve Yang, a relationship coach, agrees. “I’m a very excitable and enthusiastic person who displays open [...] communication, so it’s entirely within character for me to text right away, and I often do,” he tells Bustle. “There is no certain amount of time to wait that will work for everyone, [so] the best advice is to be consistent with who you are.”
While a cute “thank you” or a cheeky “thinking of you” message will always do the trick, the days after your first date are also a great time to get a bit flirty, especially if you’re catching a vibe and want to respond with something spicy.
Here are 40 quick-and-easy texts to send after a first date, all of which will hopefully hit the right note — and maybe even score you that second meet up.
1“Did you get home safe?”
According to Yang, this is the best first text to send after a good date. Not only does it show care and concern, but it’s also important, especially if your date had a long drive or if they had to walk alone. Send it as a way of checking in, and hopefully, you can continue the chat from there.
2“Tonight was so fun. We should do something again soon!”
This text may seem boring, but according to Jonathan Bennett, a relationship and dating expert at Double Trust Dating, it can help you snag some vital info.
“I recommend sending this text to get an idea of how the other person feels about a second date,” he says. If they text back right away, you’ll know they’re invested and you’re free to flirt.
If they seem to waffle or if they leave you on read, that’s your answer.
3“You said you aren’t a good cook, so out of the kindness of my heart, I’ve decided to teach you my secret pasta sauce recipe. How does Saturday sound for you?”
If your date mentioned they’re bad at something, like cooking, go ahead and use it to your advantage. According to relationship coach Callisto Adams, Ph.D., you can get your (subtle) flirt on by offering to help them learn. If they take you up on the offer, it’ll make for the cutest second-date idea. Not to mention, teaching them something will help bring you closer together.
4“Just wanted to say hi and see how your day is going :)”
This is a great follow-up text to send the day after your first date. Send it mid-morning or whenever you happen to think about it, and then wait to see what they say.
According to Bennett, it’s simple but shows that you’re interested and you’re thinking about them. When it comes to kicking off a relationship, that’s the most important message you can send.
5“Last night was literally perfect. I always fall for people who can quote Shakespeare.”
If you want to thank your date for a fun night out, while also throwing in a flirty twist, mention one of their skills or personality traits that struck you.
Did they suggest the perfect wine to go with your pasta? Quote a poem from memory? Or immediately know the name of an obscure song without reaching for Shazam? Call it out as the key to your heart.
Continuing the flirty banter is always a good move after a first meetup, and it also never hurts to give your date a little bit of an ego boost to show you’re into them.
6“Okay sooo, I’d give our first date a solid 8.7 out of 10. What do you think?”
Rating your date is a cheeky excuse to send them a text, and it might also reveal how they truly feel. You can encourage them to rate the date as well and go from there.
7“I had so much fun last night. We should try the museum next.”
According to Beverley Andre, LMFT, a licensed marriage and family therapist, this text will keep the momentum going and it’ll also spare you a lot of lost energy if you’re wondering how they feel.
Instead of sitting around and waiting for them to ask you out, make it clear that you want to meet up again. If you’re feeling bold, you could even throw in a second date idea yourself.
8“You mentioned that new Indian restaurant on the corner. Do you want to check it out this Friday?”
If you don’t want to come out of the left field with a random date idea, think of something that came up in conversation, like a new restaurant in town, and use it as inspiration for a follow-up text.
9“Thanks again for an amazing date :) The rest of my week is a bit busy with work, but I’m free on Saturday night if you’d like to meet up again!”
According to Adams, this text will build anticipation throughout the week, and it’ll also show them that you aren’t too available — at least not yet. To keep them on the line, just remember to send a few follow-up texts here and there so you don’t lose touch.
10“I really want to sit on a bench and people watch with you.”
If you spent a good portion of your date talking about how well it was going — and you’re fairly certain this person is down to meet up again — be bold and send this message. If you two had chemistry, a text like this one would feel right and a tiny bit flirty. Agree to bring your favorite snacks so you can stay for hours.
11“Me last night: [meme]. But seriously.”
According to Tanner, inside jokes promote intimacy — and they can also be flirty.
If something embarrassing happened on the date, like maybe you spilled wine down your shirt, find a funny meme that accurately represents your reaction and call yourself out.
Maybe it’ll be something you both laugh about at your five-year anniversary.
12“I have to admit I was so nervous for our first date, but I thought it went really well! Nothing eases the tension quite like hysterically laughing for four hours.”
Even though you want to play it cool, it’s OK to be honest about how nervous you were on your date. Admitting you were shook will start to break the walls down, so you can both shake off your nerves and start to act more like yourselves.
13“I checked out that band you told me about. You're right, they really do sound like [Tame Impala].”
First dates are often chock full of recommendations, from movies to watch to albums to listen to and foods to try. Take the time to follow through with a watch or a listen, and then let them know what you think.
14“I’ll give our date 5/5 stars: Food was great. The company was even better.”
Casey Tanner, a relationship expert and sexpert with LELO, recommends writing a cheeky Yelp review-style text. Again, “humor is a great way to break the tension and get the ball rolling on a potential second date,” they say.
15“I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight ;)”
Send this text if there was a lot of flirting going on, or if you ended the night with an amazing makeout session. Who knows? You two might end up taking things to the next level, or at the very least it’ll make you excited to meet up again soon.
16“Sorry if I seemed a little off! I had a lot of work stuff on my mind, but spending the evening with you was the perfect way to end the week.”
If you feel the need to address any awkwardness, go for it! Not everyone’s on their A game 100% of the time. By sending this text, you’ll assure them the weird moment of silence wasn’t stemming from a lack of interest, and it’ll also be a sneaky way to check in and see if they’re open to a little vulnerability.
17“I can definitely see this turning into something *shocked emoji*”
A forward-thinking text like this one might not work in every situation, but again, if you felt immense amounts of chemistry, you might want to go ahead and take the plunge. Some first dates really are that good, and the right person will appreciate the honesty.
18“Last night was so good. When’s the sequel?”
The wording of this text makes it just forward enough that they’ll get the picture. Here’s hoping they follow up with the cutest idea ever.
19“It was amazing to see you in person, you’re lovely.”
A little flattery never hurt anybody, so why not be bold and admit you were into them? Sometimes amazing first dates fade into nothing because both people are too shy to flirt. Don’t let that happen to you!
20“I started reading that book you mentioned. Want to meet up for a book club on Friday at XYZ cafe?”
Start building a connection from day one by showing interest in each other’s hobbies, like watching each other’s go-to comfort movies or reading favorite books. Just remember to leave the discussion for when you actually meet up in person.
“You’ll provoke their thoughts by letting them know you have an opinion on something they have interest in,” says Adams. “It’ll be a way for them to know more about you, and if you’re a good fit or not.”
21“When are you gonna buy me another drink?”
While some people claim to be bad texters as a way to ghost, others truly are. If you get the sense that your first date went well, but maybe needs a little nudge, send a text like this one.
22“You’re so much fun in person!”
This is a good one to send if you both talked about dating apps and how misleading they can be.
23“OK, I’m so relieved. You’re just as cool as your profile.”
Similarly, you could admit how relieved you are that they seemed just as cool IRL as they did on the dating app. You matched for a reason, but it’s always nice when the person lives up to — or even exceeds — your expectations.
24*A Voice Message Expressing Your Interest*
If you feel awkward typing out flirty texts, send a sultry voice message instead. According to Tanner, the sound of your voice will help draw them in.
Try something like, “Hey, just wanted to say I can’t stop smiling when I think about our date. I can’t wait to see you again!”
25“I made a playlist for you based on our date.”
If you happened to bond over music, or if you heard a bunch of great tunes at a bar, compile them all into a post-date mix tape on Spotify and shoot the link their way. “Making something for your date to respond to is a great way to help them get a better sense of you,” says Tanner. “Plus it shows that you took the time to make something sweet.”
26“I told my friends about you.”
If you think your date can handle a joke, go ahead and say this. Even if it isn’t true, it’s a funny way to show that you’re interested. To really go hard, try, “I told my mom about us.”
27“That was the first good date I’ve had in months.”
Here’s another sweet way to boost their ego.
28“Do you think the people at the next table had a better first date than us?”
Questions like this one are fun, and they show where your head’s at. This text will have you chatting about other couples, and it’ll hopefully put you both in the mood for love.
29“Thanks again for a perfect first date. I’m gonna dream about that kiss tonight for sure.”
Feeling bold and flirty as you climb into bed? Type this out and hit send.
30“I’m at work and I can’t stop thinking about you.”
If you’re feeling like you wouldn’t mind a steamy exchange, let them know that you’re currently hot and bothered at work. This is the perfect follow-up if you had a particularly hot date
31“Am I supposed to wait 24 hours to text you?”
A lot of people worry about texting too quickly, so why not call it out? This will break the fourth wall and show that you’re well aware of dating traditions, but you simply can’t be bothered to care.
32“Night! Don’t forget to think about me ;)”
Imagine this popping up on their phone at midnight.
33“Did I win you over after our date? Or do I need to try again?”
While you obviously don’t want to invest any time or energy into someone who seems indifferent, this is a cute text to send to someone you know is interested. They’ll get to write back and say yes — and you can keep flirting from there.
34“Counting down the days until Friday...”
If you agreed to a second date while already on your first, message them and let them know you’re literally counting the hours until you get to see them again.
35“Omg, I can’t stop laughing about XYZ”
Let them know you’re still laughing about a mishap or a funny story, even if it’s been days since your first date. This is an easy way to show them that you’re still thinking about them and that you had a really good time. Bonus points if you’re giggling about something they said.
36“I can’t wait to see if our second date is as good as the first”
Let them know that your expectations are sky high, and they better be just as cute, funny, and smart when you meet up for round two.
37“Do we deserve an award for the best first date ever??”
To show how well you work as a team, send something like this.
38“I just got pizza again, but it isn’t as good when I’m eating it alone :(”
Here’s hoping they take the hint and invite you out again — or admit that they feel the exact same way.
39“I’m having the busiest day, but I still can’t stop thinking about how cute you are.”
You’re the best judge of how this text will be received. If it seems like your date would appreciate something bold, don’t be afraid to hit send.
40“Today is so boring compared to last night. Can’t wait to see you again!”
Pop them a message the following day to let them know that you’re bored at work, and then have yourselves a little flirt. This will tide you over until you see each other again, and it’ll also help keep the spark alive.
It can be tough to think up the perfect thing to say when texting someone after a date, but it's actually much easier than it seems — lean into your sense of humor, include talking points from your date, and if it feels right, suggest an activity for a second hang.
Mindie Barnett, motivational speaker and host of a dating podcast
Steve Yang, relationship coach
Beverley Andre, LMFT, licensed marriage and family therapist
Kiara Luna, LMHC, psychotherapist
Callisto Adams, Ph.D., relationship coach
Casey Tanner, relationship expert and sexpert for LELO
This article was originally published on