
Your Love Life This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

Is it time to get serious?

by Carolyn Steber

Life always feels a little more serious once September rolls back around — it is Virgo season, after all — but it doesn’t mean you have to completely give up your summery good mood. While the week ahead might be a good time to have a few more serious conversations, there’s still plenty of room for fun in your love life.

To see what’s in store, Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, pulled three cards to answer a set of love-related questions that can be applied universally, regardless of your relationship status, and shared advice for navigating it all.

Card 1: What do I need to know about dating and relationships this week?

If your love life was laughably chaotic all summer long, rest assured that things will start to shift for the better in the days ahead. The Emperor has emerged with its strong, calm energy, and according to Wang, it means more stability is coming your way.

The Emperor is a major arcana card that represents structure, stability, practicality, and focus. Instead of getting left on read, you might meet someone who not only reliably replies, but who also puts in an equal amount of effort to keep a conversation going. Small changes like these will make you realize in an instant that you never want to put up with a lack of effort or a wishy-washy situationship ever again.

Since the theme of the week is structure and stability, you might also feel a shift in your own desire for commitment, too. If you spent the past few months on the fence about dating, you could experience a fresh desire to settle down. “Embrace the authoritative energy of The Emperor,” says Wang, and make it your mission to find what you’re looking for this fall.

If you’re already in a relationship, get ready to have deeper discussions with your significant other. It’s what The Emperor would want. “This week is an excellent time for setting boundaries, establishing clear communication, and discussing future plans,” Wang says, so cozy up and start talking.

Card 2: How can I attract more love this week?

The Page of Swords represents curiosity, wit, inspiration, and fresh perspectives. To turn heads and attract more love this week, embody that same energy and let it work its magic.

If you’re single, Wang recommends being open to conversations, especially of the fun and flirty variety. Don’t be afraid to crack a joke in line at Trader Joe’s or ask what someone’s reading on the subway. You never know who might appreciate the conversation — or where it could lead. “You might find that your unique ideas attract potential partners as you showcase your authentic self,” he says.

If you plan to go on a date this week, make sure it’s a fun one. Skip the dinner and drinks routine and opt for something active instead, like mini golf or bowling. It’ll give you an excuse to play around with each other, which is what the Page of Swords is all about.

The same advice applies if you’re already in a relationship. This card encourages you to step outside the proverbial box, whether that’s on date night or during your pre-bed pillow talk. The suit of Swords is associated with the air element, says Wang, which represents free-flowing communication. Coupled with The Emperor above, it looks like you’re in for quite a few interesting interactions.

Card 3: How does my date or significant other feel about me this week?

The Chariot has popped up in your love reading to remind you that relationships are rarely perfect — and that’s OK. According to Wang, this major arcana card signifies determination, focus, and success, as well as the ability to overcome obstacles.

When your partner thinks about your relationship, all they feel is a desire to keep moving forward. They likely want to make things work no matter what gets in the way, whether it’s a job loss, a big move, or even a moment of doubt. If one of you is on the fence about moving, they’d rather opt for a long-distance relationship instead of losing you.

If you just started dating someone new, the appearance of The Chariot means they’re drawn to your ability to navigate your own obstacles, too. Maybe they admire your career path or the fact you’re always willing to work on yourself.

In any case, this card is a good sign your significant other is deeply invested in your relationship and always ready to take action, says Wang. Expect to see their love and appreciation on full display in the days ahead.


Letao Wang, astrologer, tarot reader, spiritual counselor