
Your Love Life This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

If you're hoping to hook up, the cards are on your side.

by Carolyn Steber

Even when you try to swear off dating apps, they have a way of pulling you back in, especially once the weather gets warm. Spring always feels like the best time to fall in love, but getting back out there also means dealing with drama all over again.

While looking to the week ahead, Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, pulled three tarot cards to help you navigate a few romance-related questions — and he also shared some helpful advice for finding love ahead of summer.

Card 1: What do I need to know about dating or my relationship this week?

The World tarot card is the 21st and final card in the major arcana, and it represents a pleasant sense of completion and fulfillment. Just like a full moon, you can think of it as the end of a cycle that encourages you to kick back and revel in all your hard work.

“In the context of your love life, it suggests achieving a sense of wholeness and satisfaction,” says Wang. If you’re in a relationship, you might find that you’re entering into a new phase as a couple where you both feel valued, understood, and oh-so secure.

If you’ve been going through it after a tough breakup, this card could be a sign that you’re officially healed and ready to move on. “The World serves as a positive harbinger, indicating your progression from an old cycle, enriched by deep learning and reflection, into a realm poised for new romantic beginnings,” he says.

Meanwhile, if you plan to stay in your single era for a while, The World card is here to remind you that you’re whole just as you are. “It encourages you to revel in your independence, not out of a lack of options, but because you are complete in yourself and capable of enjoying life solo,” he says.

Cards 2: How can I attract more love this week?

At first glance, The Hermit seems like the worst card to get when you’re hoping to attract love or meet someone new. It is, after all, pretty tough to find love when you’re bed rotting at home. But according to Wang, this card is all about introspection and getting to know yourself — and that’s a great thing when it comes to romance.

If you’ve been striking out big time in the love department, it could be a sign that you’re looking for love in all the wrong places. To figure out where you’re going wrong, Wang recommends taking this week to cultivate your inner peace and self-love. “It’s in quiet moments of reflection that you’ll discover what you truly desire from a relationship.”

Consider jotting down the qualities you hope to find in a partner, or fill your notes app with a list of words that describe how you want to feel in a relationship. “This self-awareness will be a magnet for genuine connection,” says Wang, and it might also make it easier to find love come summer.

Card 3: How does my date or significant other feel about me this week?

If you’re wondering if your Hinge match still likes you, go ahead and breathe a deep sigh of relief, as this card is a very good sign. “The Queen of Wands speaks volumes about how they see you,” says Wang. “This card is all about boldness, [confidence], and charisma, so it suggests their feelings are warm, vibrant, and growing stronger.”

If you recently got drinks, chances are they secretly fell in love with your energy, independence, and sense of humor. Under the influence of this card, Wang suggests scheduling a second date ASAP, and especially one that’ll highlight these glowing qualities so you can continue to fan the flames. Think hiking, bike riding, a comedy night, or anything else that’s active and fun.

As a bonus, the Queen of Wands also represents passion in the bedroom, says Wang. If you’ve been hoping to hook up, now might be the best time to do it.


Letao Wang, astrologer, tarot reader, spiritual counselor