
Your Love Life This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

Get cozy.

by Carolyn Steber

This week is all about carving out time for a little R&R, which might be necessary after a busy autumn weekend. If you didn’t fall in love at your Halloween party or meet The One while apple-picking, that’s OK. Now’s your chance to stay in, reassess, and regroup. For others, the days ahead could be perfect for a cozy night in with a long-term partner, preferably while drinking hot cider.

To see what’s in store, Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, pulled three tarot cards to answer a set of romance-related questions that can be applied universally, regardless of your relationship status, and shared advice for navigating it all.

Card 1: What do I need to know about dating and relationships this week?

Late October calls for a night in with warm tea, an array of pumpkin-scented candles, and a quiet moment of introspection, especially with The Hermit in your love reading. “This card suggests a period of thoughtfulness and solitude is needed,” says Wang. If you feel like you’ve been giving it your all on the dating scene to no avail, this will be a welcome break.

To aid your introspection, jot down a list of characteristics that you’d like to see in a partner, as well as what you picture an ideal future to be like. This exercise will help you paint a clearer image in your head so you know what you’re looking for — and what you’re not looking for. (Like that guy who didn’t appreciate your Moo Deng Halloween costume, because WTF?)

The Hermit card is about getting to know yourself better, so take time for yourself, especially if you’re in a relationship. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in a partner’s wants and needs, or to meld together into one, but remember that you’re two separate people — and that means it’s OK to put yourself first for a change, especially if your “me time” has been limited lately.

Reflect on your needs, desires, and the direction of your relationship. When you’re ready to crawl out of solitude, let your partner know what you discovered.

Card 2: How can I attract more love this week?

The Ten of Wands shows someone struggling with a bundle of staffs of wands, and it honestly doesn’t look very fun. It suggests you might also be experiencing fatigue, burnout, a physical or emotional burden, or a few too many responsibilities.

When this card appears in a tarot reading, it’s usually a sign that something’s got to give. “You might find yourself overwhelmed, [which hinders] your ability to connect with others,” says Wang. He recommends opting out of any unnecessary commitments — you officially have permission to stay in.

If you’re currently scrolling Hinge and setting up dates, this might mean canceling a meet-up that you weren’t too excited about. That way, you can save your energy for one more alluring date on Friday night and show up as your best, most relaxed self.

If you’re living with a partner, the Ten of Wands suggests it’s time for a frank discussion about how your household is run. Do things feel 50/50? Are you struggling with a bundle of proverbial sticks? If so, be honest about it. By looking for ways to lighten each other’s load, Wang says it’ll give you a brand new outlook on your relationship.

Card 3: How does my date or significant other feel about me this week?

Since the Page of Cups represents a happy, idealistic point of view, this could be a sign that your significant other is experiencing a fresh surge of positive emotions when it comes to your relationship. They might feel giddy and excited about the days and weeks to come, and this is true whether you just met or if you’ve been dating for ages.

“This card suggests a sense of youthful curiosity and readiness to explore new emotional depths together,” says Wang. It could even mean your partner has a little surprise up their sleeve when it comes to an upcoming date night. If you had a rough couple of days last week, a playful bonding experience could be exactly what your relationship needs.

“The appearance of Page of Cups is particularly fortunate as it shows a renewed perspective and hope for your connection,” he says. “Be open to your significant other’s expressions of love and creativity, as this could lead to delightful surprises and a renewal of romantic energies within your relationship.”


Letao Wang, astrologer, tarot reader, spiritual counselor