
Your Love Life This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

Let loose!

by Carolyn Steber

If it’s been a hot minute since you went on a date with your partner, don’t let this week slip by without booking a table at your favorite restaurant, getting all dressed up, and having a ball.

Your love life will benefit from the change of scenery — and the dose of fun. The same is true if you’re single and looking for love. The energy this week encourages you to throw on a cute ‘fit and approach dating with a carefree, “let’s see what happens” attitude.

To see what’s coming your way, Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, pulled three cards to answer a set of romance-related questions that can be applied universally, regardless of your relationship status, and shared advice for navigating it all.

Card 1: What do I need to know about dating and relationships this week?

According to Wang, the Page of Pentacles represents focus, planning, and a steady progress towards new opportunities in a relationship, but with a lighthearted twist. In tarot, the page cards always come with a youthful, fun energy — one that’s unburdened, excited about the future, and even a tad silly.

If you typically spend a lot of time stressing about your love life and where it is (or isn’t) going, then why not give yourself a break in the days ahead? While it’s OK to be goal-oriented when it comes to finding love, it’s also important to not let yourself get too overwhelmed by the search.

Instead of forcing big conversations with your partner, for example, or demanding answers about what’s to come, look for other ways to create a sense of stability. Wang recommends exploring new hobbies together, taking the pressure off by having carefree discussions, or starting a new and exciting project as a duo. This is what will lay a foundation for a deeper connection — not necessarily tough talks or heavy deadlines.

If you’re looking for love, the Page of Pentacles suggests keeping an eye out for a few key traits on your next date. As you sit at the bar across from your Hinge match, try to suss out if they’re future-minded and ambitious in a way that matches your goals, but also make sure they’re down to have a good time. This is the combo that’ll make for an entertaining relationship, as well as one that’s successful and strong.

Card 2: How can I attract more love this week?

The Three of Pentacles is all about collaboration and teamwork in relationships. That’s why, to attract more love this week, Wang recommends focusing on what you can create alongside your partner or Tinder match in the days ahead, whether it’s an enjoyable evening in or a date night out.

If it’s Wednesday night and you’re both in separate rooms doing your own thing, take this as your cue to put your noggins together and dream up an evening of events that’ll make you feel a little more connected. Could you go out for a last-minute dinner at your favorite diner? Ask each other fun get-to-know-you questions? Try something spicy in bed? This week, put an emphasis on these types of activities.

According to Wang, engaging in mutual planning and communication is one of the best ways to attract more love into your life, regardless of your relationship status. Not only will it result in an experience that you’ll both enjoy, but it’s also a playful, easy way to work together, listen to each other, and deepen your bond.

The same advice applies to date nights with someone you only just met. Instead of letting them do all the work — or taking on the mental load of coming up with an excursion all on your own — ask your love interest to get in on the planning. Working as a team will help you connect on another level.

Card 3: How does my date or significant other feel about me this week?

“The Nine of Cups, often referred to as the wish card, indicates a period of contentment and emotional fulfillment,” says Wang. And really, what could be better than that when it comes to love and how your partner feels?

If you’re worried that your SO isn’t 100% happy or fully committed, the appearance of this card suggests that all is actually well in your love life. With its 10 goblets, indicating an abundance of emotion, and its smiling, satisfied character, it’s a sign you have nothing to worry about — at least for now.

“This week, your significant other views you with affection and satisfaction, feeling grateful for the joy you bring into their life,” says Wang. “This card also reflects a sense of happiness and harmony in the relationship, suggesting that they cherish the moments you spend together and feel blessed by the connection you share.”

Of course, you should expect nothing less if you’re in a long-term relationship. While all couples will go through ups and downs, it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise to see this card in your love reading. (If it is, it might be time to do a little soul-searching.)

If you’re still getting to know someone, however, this card can come as a relief. The Nine of Cups often means things are heading in the right direction. Your date loves to see your name pop up on their phone, they wait with butterflies whenever you’re meeting them for dinner, and they’ve already thought about the future — and how lucky they’ll be to have you in their life.


Letao Wang, astrologer, tarot reader, spiritual counselor