
The Most Important Question Each Sign Should Ask On A First Date

Please, let's make it more interesting than, "So, do you have any siblings?"

by Carolyn Steber
Here's the most important question every zodiac sign should ask on a first date.
Anchiy/E+/Getty Images

Meeting up with someone for a first date is nerve-racking, to say the least. As you peruse a menu, order drinks, and chit-chat about yourselves, you’re also eyeing each other up to see if you have enough chemistry to meet again — or potentially get married. No biggie.

While there are plenty of fun first date questions to help you break the ice and get to know one another better, each zodiac sign also has a particularly pressing inquiry that they’ll need to blurt out before the evening comes to an end.

According to astrologer Talisa Zampieri, each sign is on a mission to get a few things answered while on a first date, and it’s all thanks to their archetype, temperament, and ruling planet. When narrowing down your go-to Qs, don’t just look at your sun sign. “It can be your moon, rising, Venus,” she says. “Or [the sign that rules your] 7th or 5th house,” aka the houses of love and partnership.

Some zodiac signs will want to skip the small talk and ask big, bold questions while on a first date. They won’t want to waste their time with someone who doesn’t share their goals or vision for the future, and that’s why they hardly bat an eye while asking about five-year plans or their date’s family dynamics.

Others purposefully like to keep things light as a way to see if their date is a good time. These signs will ask about fun stuff, like travels, weekend plans, and favorite foods. To make sure you get the info you need on a first date, remember to ask one of the questions below.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

“What do you do for fun?”

While this is a pretty standard date night question, Aries genuinely wants to know the answer. As the first sign of the zodiac — and a fiery one, at that — you need to make sure a partner is on your level when it comes to spontaneity.

If your date’s idea of a good time is staying in on a Friday night or reading Infinite Jest in a cafe, it sadly won’t work out. You’ll be happiest with someone who’s down for last-minute trips and exciting excursions, which is why Zampieri recommends asking this question before you even order appetizers.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

“What’s your favorite food?”

According to Zampieri, this should be the first in a long line of questions about your date’s lifestyle. As an earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of pleasures, Taurus has a keen eye for the finer things in life. It’s why you’ll want to know if your partner has good taste — and what they’re about to order off the menu.

Some good follow-up questions could center around their plans for the future, what they do for work, where they like to vacation, and other Venusian themes. But kicking things off with food talk is always a good bet.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

“Tell me everything!”

Gemini is ruled by Mercury and intellectually curious,” says Zampieri. To start a lively convo, ask your date to fill you in on the weirdest thing in their home, their wildest travel adventures, and the top five people (living or dead) that they’d invite to dinner.

As a chatty air sign, you live for a fun story, but you don’t necessarily want to dig too deep during a first meet-up. Your goal is simply to skim the surface and have a good time.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

“What’s your relationship like with your mom?”

Cancer is one of the only zodiac signs who would ask such a deep question on a first date. As a water sign ruled the emotional moon, Zampieri says you’ll want to know more about your date’s relationships and connections.

Those with Cancer in their chart value security, which is why you’ve already pictured yourself getting married and sharing holidays with your date — sometimes even before you know their last name. Getting a better idea about how they are with their friends and fam will be invaluable.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

“What’s your proudest achievement?”

Leo is ruled by the sun which is concerned with accomplishment and shining bright,” says Zampieri. While you might not want your date to steal your spotlight, you will want to know if they’re on your level when it comes to goals and achievements.

Ask your date about their most glowing moment. Was it a graduation? A promotion? Moving across the country? Then make sure to follow up with a story of your own and gauge their reaction. “With their gravitational pull, Leos also like an audience and applause,” she says. “Finding someone who appreciates them is key.”

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

“What’s your biggest pet peeve?”

According to Zampieri, Virgos are meticulous in the way they live their lives. As a Mercury-ruled earth sign you run a tight ship at work, at home, and in your personal life — and it means you don’t have time or energy to waste on someone who isn’t a perfect match.

To find out if you’re compatible from the very first date, ask about their biggest pet peeve. Who knows? You might bond over your mutual disdain for crumbs in the bed, mismatched socks, or people who leave their cart in the aisle at the grocery store.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

“What’s the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to you?”

As a Libra, your main goal on a first date is to keep things light, flirty, and fun, but you’ll also want to make sure you’re with someone who can treat you right. As you gently touch their shoulder and make eye contact, ask about the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to them.

From there, you can talk about all things love-related, like what they look for in a partner and how they they feel about PDA. “Ruled by Venus and a relational sign, Libras want to know how relationship-centric the other person is,” says Zampieri.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

“What’s your darkest secret?”

It would be just like a Scorpio to narrow their eyes and ask something intense on a first date. “This sign is deep and intimate,” says Zampieri, and that means you aren’t afraid to get to the bottom of things with an ultra-personal question that many people would find taboo.

Ask about your date’s biggest secret or something they’ve recently changed about themselves, and see what they say. As a water sign ruled by transformational Pluto, you’ll appreciate someone who is willing to “go there” with you, even if you only just met.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

“Do you want to get out of here?”

Sagittarius is the archetypal adventurer with big YOLO energy, and so they’d be interested in hearing someone's expansive stories,” says Zampieri. Make sure you ask about your date’s travels, the biggest lesson they’ve learned on the road, or their dream vacation destination.

As a fire sign ruled by big, lucky Jupiter, you’ll fall for anyone who’s willing to step outside the box and take risks. If all else fails, or you could also ask them if they’d like to get out of the bar or restaurant and go do something more fun.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

“Where do you see yourself in five years?”

Even while on a fun date at a bar, Capricorns can’t escape their practical, hardworking mindset. It’s why you’ll want to ask your potential partner about their plan for the future, including where they want to live and if they hope to get married.

Since Capricorns are a pragmatic earth sign ruled by responsible and disciplined Saturn, you won’t be able to enjoy your dinner until you double-check that you and your date are on the same page. Once that’s settled you’ll be able to lighten up a bit.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

“What’s the weirdest thing about you?”

Aquarius, you can’t let a first date pass you by without asking at least one pointed question. “This air sign is the archetypal alien seeking its band of fellow weirdos,” says Zampieri, so here’s hoping your date has something quirky to say.

As an air sign ruled by out-there Uranus, you appreciate people who have a little grit to them, like musicians, poets, and fashion icons, but you can also fall for secret weirdos who might seem conventional on the surface. As Zampieri says, “You want to know straight away what makes someone unique.”

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

“What’s your biggest dream?”

As a water sign ruled by Neptune, the planet of imagination and artistic expression, Pisces is another sign that will want to make sure they’re on a date with someone of substance.

To find out more, be sure to ask your date about their biggest dream. What do they think about all day? What do they hope to create? From there, you could also ask about what they dream at night and interpret the hidden messages together.

This will be a fun way to spend your first date, as well as the perfect test for whether or not they can appreciate your intuition and empathy.


Talisa Zampieri, astrologer, founder of Two Wander