Here's How Your Zodiac Sign's Love Life Will Do This November
Sexy Scorpio season is upon us.

We’ve officially leapt out of eclipse season’s tight grip, but according to the stars, it’s not quite smooth sailing yet in every aspect of our lives. Not to fret! Attracting romance is finally on the table again (or in the bedroom, on the floor, or whatever else you’re into). That said, you’ll want to know what your love horoscope for November 2023 has in store for your zodiac sign.
Across the board, carnal instincts will be heightened thanks to this November’s passionate and sensual energy. For starters, we’ll be knee deep in Scorpio season through Nov. 21. This water sign rules all things sex, taboo, and death. La petite mort, anyone?
“Scorpio is a sexual, super hungry sign of the zodiac, so people are going to be ready to connect and find rapport at a deeper level,” says astrologer Narayana Montufar. Forget about superficial conversations — we’ll want to know our partner’s every thought.
Love planet Venus will up the ante as it’ll spend the month at home in air sign Libra, commanding attention with its devastating beauty and charm. But just like the celebrity breakups we’ve seen over the summer — like Britney Spears and Sam Asghari, Ariana Grande and Dalton Gomez, and Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner — we’ll continue to see relationships that are already on rocky ground reach their expiration date.
That’s because, as Montufar explains, Venus will be aligning with the south node, one of the points of destiny. In addition, Uranus, the planet of change and progression, imposes shocking twists as it’s stationed in romantic Taurus.
But not every relationship is doomed. Taurus’s sensual presence balances out Scorpio’s sexual energy, so expect November to be a month of flirty energy, hot and heavy encounters, and intense erotic tension.
If you’d like more of that in your life, now’s the time to manifest. Recent weeks haven’t been a good time for this powerful practice since October’s eclipse energy was too unpredictable for that. But with the lunar pangs finally behind us, the future is yours for the taking.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries
March 21 - April 19
Physical intimacy is on your radar, Aries, so revel in your sex appeal. If you’re in a relationship, this could be a good thing, although Montufar notes that there could likely be a push and pull to get intimate with your partner. Allow things to flow naturally.
Single Aries may find new romantic prospects, but avoid rushing into anything. “If they move too fast, which Aries often do, they may end the month feeling sad,” Montufar says. “Moving slowly will be necessary this month.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus
April 20 - May 20
Feeling lucky in love, Taurus? November may bring special surprises in that department, thanks to the activation of Jupiter in your native sign. However, Montufar warns that you should stay open-minded and flexible.
Partnered Taureans will have to compromise with their significant other in order to reap the sweet rewards of their relationships. If you’re single, you may feel drawn to more eccentric relationships.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini
May 21 - June 20
You’ve got love on the brain, Gemini, which is not the norm for you. Three celestial bodies — the sun, Mercury, and Mars — are activating your area of relationships. “[Single] Geminis may see everyone is partnering up and be like, what about me?” Montufar says. Fire up the dating apps and don’t be afraid to flirt out in the wild.
If you’re in a relationship, Montufar says this could cause you to be extra affectionate with your partner. This need for quality time could help deepen your connection.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer
June 21 - July 22
Cancer, it’s time to indulge in the sweetness of love. November brings excitement to all, regardless of your relationship status. As Venus calls in romance, partnered Cancers may feel especially drawn to their significant other. It’s a good time to cook together or throw a dinner party.
If you’re single, Montufar says you may feel more confident putting yourself out there. Don’t fear dating apps, and if someone offers to set you up, say yes. Let your effortless compassion shine to potential prospects.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo
July 23 - Aug. 22
November brings a push and pull between your heart and your goals, Leo. You’ve been focusing hard on your career lately, which may leave you with less energy to devote to love. If you’re single, dating might fall to the bottom of your to-do list. If you’re in a relationship, you might feel pressure from your partner to spend more time together.
Luckily, the arrival of Sagittarius season on Nov. 22 will bring relief. During this happier time, single Leos will return to swiping and going to mixers, and partnered lions will have more time to devote to their relationships.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo
Aug. 23 - Sept. 22
Virgo, it’s time to turn inward and restore the love you have for someone special — yourself. “You’ll feel best in November when you remain grounded and logical, rather than flippantly giving your heart away,” Montufar says.
The key is to embrace life’s simple pleasures and indulge in material comforts. Regardless of your relationship status, you can’t fully show up for others if you aren’t taking care of yourself first.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra
Sept. 23 - Oct. 22
You’ll be turning plenty of heads this month, Libra, and you’ll find the most satisfaction if you polish up your communication skills. “November is a serious practice in setting healthy boundaries and clearly stating desires in order to achieve the most fulfilling love life possible,” says astrologer Ryan Marquardt. If you’re partnered up, Marquardt says to avoid over-compromising.
If you’e single, try not to be bothered by a lack of romance — this is a great time to channel that luxurious love you give to yourself.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio
Oct. 23 - Nov. 21
Scorpio, your hunger for intimacy may be extra insatiable this month. Per Marquardt, if your relationship is going smoothly, have fun exploring your provocative side with your partner. If things are on the rocks, turn toward the people who remind you exactly how great you are.
If you’re single, approach dates and casual hookups with caution. Be selective about who gets to see your most authentic self. However, if you find someone worth opening up to, don’t hold anything back.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius
Nov. 22 - Dec. 21
Your social life is popping, Sagittarius and your love life is just along for the ride. If you’re in a relationship, you may find yourself on group outings or double dates.
“For the single Sagittarius, it could mean striking up a spontaneous conversation with someone on a night out,” says Marquardt. Even if the connection is platonic at first, you never know where it might lead.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn
Dec. 22 - Jan. 19
You might feel self-conscious about your love life this month, Capricorn. If you’re partnered up, you could worry too much about how your relationship is perceived by others. Single goats might feel shy when it comes to sharing stories about dating with family or friends.
“Capricorns might be extra mindful of the information they share on social media about their relationship or dating life,” says Marquardt. Regardless of what you post (or if you post anything at all), there’s a lesson here: Strive for peace of mind. Worrying about this will just bring you down.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius
Jan. 20 - Feb. 18
Time for some mental stimulation, Aquarius — just the way you like it. Regardless of your relationship status, focus on having fun getting to know others — and yourself — on a deeper level.
If you’re in a relationship, the emotional intimacy will only make your sex life hotter. Single Aquarians may revel in their romantic journey, too, and “will feel a sense of awe about the weird ways the universe can synchronistically connect people together,” Marquardt says.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces
Feb. 19 - March 20
Lovelorn much, Pisces? The yearning you feel right now can feel all-consuming, but there’s beauty in exploring your capacity for emotion. If you’re in a relationship, you might need to employ extra self-awareness to avoid your extremes (whether you have a tendency to be too people-pleasing, not communicative enough, or something else). If you’re single, your rose-colored glasses could slip off, bringing disappointment. This is especially true if you’re just getting to know someone.
Regardless, look forward to a fresh start. “Pisces has big ‘new chapter’ energy this month,” Marquardt says. “It’s possible they’ll enter new territory now.”
Narayana Montufar, astrologer and author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power
Ryan Marquardt, astrologer
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