
The Luckiest Moon Of 2024 Is Coming, But It'll Be Kinda Blah For 3 Signs


by Carolyn Steber
These zodiac signs won't feel any side effects from the May 7 new moon.
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If you’re wondering what all the hubbub is about in the lead-up to the Taurus new moon, you might be one of the signs listed below. While this lunar phase is said to be one of the luckiest of the year, it isn’t spreading the wealth evenly across the zodiac.

According to astrologer Amy Filbin, the new moon is always an ideal time to sow seeds for the future. When the Taurus new moon arrives on Tuesday May 7 at 11:22 p.m. ET, she recommends setting intentions and making plans that’ll help bring good things your way, whether it’s for your relationships, friendships, or career.

On this day, other celestial bodies will be aligning to create a super-charged energy. “With the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in orb of the new moon, it could bring in unexpected luck and abundance,” she tells Bustle. “It will be a wonderful time to gain new ground, take aligned and intentional action, and to do so in a way that supports our long-term goals.”

For some signs, the time will be right to make big, bold moves, but for others, the alignments won’t be as powerful or auspicious — and it might just feel like any other Tuesday. Keep reading below for the three zodiac signs who will be the least affected by the May 7 new moon, according to an astrologer.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

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Instead of radical realizations or major moments of clarity, May’s new moon in Taurus will bring you a slow and steady energy — just like the earth sign itself. “Happening in Gemini’s 12th house of the unconscious, this new moon in Taurus brings subtle subconscious shifts in perspective and a period of rest and reflection,” says Filbin.

It’ll be a good day to tear a page from the Taurus handbook and stay inside. This might be tough — you are an outgoing air sign, after all — but trust that the time alone will be good for you. This new moon will remind you that it’s OK to lie low, and that the occasional night can actually feel pretty good.

That said, you can still set intentions and water your proverbial seeds, especially since lucky Jupiter will be coming into your sign on May 25, says Filbin. You’ll appreciate that you rested when you start having sudden breakthroughs, insights, and jolts of inspiration towards the end of the month.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

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May’s new moon won’t feel particularly noticeable for the Sagittarians of the world, but if you want to celebrate or lean into its energy, you could reassess your daily routines.

According to Filbin, the new moon is happening in your sixth house of daily habits, so it might feel right to analyze your rituals to see which ones are working for you, and which ones aren’t. Consider what time you get up, how many hours a day you spend working, and how often you see friends. Is this routine setting you up for happiness and success? Or is it burning you out and dragging you down?

During this new moon, you could set in motion a whole new course by leaving behind old habits and starting new ones that support your long-term well-being and your next cycle of growth, she says. Remember, the little things you do every day are what ultimately make up your life, so choose your routine wisely.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

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Pisces is another sign that won’t experience any major stirrings on May 7, but that doesn’t mean all is quiet in your sign. This lunar phase is happening in your third house of communication, Filbin says, so you might feel compelled to talk or network.

“In the long term, [this new moon] could create partnerships, like a dreamy podcast collaboration where there may be a sense of ease when bringing your vision to life,” she says. If you’ve been dying to work on a project like this, you should set goals and intentions now, and envision them coming to fruition in the future.

It’ll be a while until you see any real progress, though. “With Saturn in your sign, you might feel restricted in your direction and manifestations might be delayed,” she says. While your idea might not get off the ground this month, it’s still a great time to gather info and plan for the future, so that you’re ready when the planets get out of your way.


Amy Filbin, astrologer