The Mantra That Will Get Each Zodiac Sign Through 2025
They’re more attainable than basic resolutions.

As January gets closer, thinking about what you’d like to set as your New Year’s resolution is always exciting. Do you want to read a book a month? Go on daily walks? Vow to drink more water? These are all great goals, but if you’re looking for something more unique you should look to your zodiac sign for an overarching theme or mantra for 2025.
According to Nicole Goicuria, MA, a therapist and astrologer, astrology is an excellent tool for grounding and orienting yourself in the present moment. It be used to help you figure out where you’d like to focus your energy throughout the year.
“Since the calendar year both begins and ends in Capricorn season, this time of year holds cardinal energy,” she tells Bustle. “Cardinal energy is the energy of new starts and initiation, as the cardinal signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn — kick off each new season.” Capricorn season is very goal-oriented, which is why it’s the ideal time for a winter arc. “This can give all signs the motivation to make changes or course correct if they feel the need,” she says.
From there, you can see what’s happening in your sign throughout the year. Are there any interesting planetary transits? Retrogrades? It can all help you zero in on a mantra — and one that you won’t forget about three weeks into the year like a basic resolution.
Tired of hyper-specific resolutions that never seem to stick? Keep reading below for the best New Year’s mantra for each zodiac sign, according to astrologers.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
“I’ll be the spark I want to see.”
According to astrologer and business coach Katherine Wehler, 2025 is all about Aries’ personal identity, sense of self, and relationships. “Saturn and Neptune both move into Aries this year and Venus is also retrograde in your sign during Aries season — all asking you to hyper-focus on these areas of life,” she tells Bustle.
As you head into the new year, keep the fiery momentum you built throughout 2024 and push towards your goals in these areas. Don’t be shy about taking charge, stepping into leadership roles, or speaking up.
“It’s a year of appreciation for who you are when you’re just being — and a reminder that it’s your light and fire that ignites movements the most,” says Wehler. “All you have to do is trust yourself above all else and get the parties you want started.”
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
“I’ll get more involved.”
If you spent the past year developing a cozy, predictable routine, 2025 will be about shaking things up, stepping out, and getting more involved in your community. According to Goicuria, your ruling planet Venus will go retrograde this year — and that means you’ll want to expand your focus.
Make it your resolution to see friends more often instead of canceling at the last second in favor of staying home. And while you’re at it, why not see what’s going on in your community?
“Signing up to mentor or volunteer your time to a cause that is important to you will be a productive use of your time and also help to center you in a feeling of gratitude and connection to a greater purpose outside of yourself,” she says.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
“I’ll make IRL connections.”
As an air sign ruled by Mercury — aka the chattiest planet of them all — you have no shortage of communication in your life. You love a text, a DM, and a like on Instagram, but why not make 2025 all about forming deeper connections?
“This year taking social media breaks and swapping online chats for IRL hangs will be essential in helping you maintain healthy relationships and also help strengthen existing bonds,” says Goicuria.
She recommends Geminis get out into the real world more often, especially when Mercury goes retrograde in March, July, and November. This is how you’ll meet new people, form stronger bonds — and learn more about yourself.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
“I’m going to make money.”
Cancer, 2025 is all about money. “We start the year with Mars retrograde, and this transit will highlight the importance of getting your finances and budget in order,” says Goicuria.
If it feels like you’re on a tight budget, take a look at how you’ve been spending your cash and the resources you have to bring in more. Could you freelance or use your charm to network and see who’s hiring? If all else fails, you can focus on saving instead of spending.
“Security is a deep core need for Cancers, and making sure that you have that foundation of stability will set you up to accomplish anything you set your mind to this year and beyond,” she says.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
“This is my year to break bad habits.”
While always easier said than done, 2025 will see Leos focusing on breaking bad habits — whatever they may be. The year starts with action-oriented Mars going retrograde, which means you’ll gain a new perspective on where you focus your energy.
“This transit will ask you to turn your focus inward and what changes need to be made to clear the path for progress in 2025,” says Goicuria. “If you have been feeling lost or stuck, this is a great year to end patterns of self-sabotage, break bad habits, confront your shadow, and heal trauma.”
Since there are so many bad habits — and just as many ways to break them — Goicuria recommends taking more time this year for solitude and quiet. That way you’ll be able to see what bubbles to the surface while also giving the new habits you’re trying your full attention.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
“I’m prioritizing healing.”
The three Mercury retrogrades happening in 2025 will encourage you to get in touch with your emotions and focus on your needs. Mercury is the ruling planet for Virgo, after all, so it’ll be an ideal time to lean into your earth sign energy and embrace who you are at your core.
“A good resolution would be to release the tendency to focus on the details and the material world concerns — like work and projects — that take you out of being present with yourself,” says Goicuria.
Instead of running around and doing the most, it’ll feel right to take a deep breath and let it all go. Forget being in control and focus on how you can bring yourself more inner peace.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
“I’m getting organized.”
While Libras are known for their beautifully chaotic lives, you might be officially tired of feeling like you’re constantly spinning out of control. To kick off the year, make a promise to yourself that you’ll finally figure out your perfect daily routine.
When Venus, your ruling planet, goes retrograde from March 1 to April 12, it’ll be a good time to check back in and reevaluate your progress, says Goicuria. If there are chores that need to be done or tasks you’ve been putting off, she recommends making a concerted effort to do them one by one.
“Sticking to a schedule that works for you may be key in helping to increase your productivity and benefit your mental and physical health,” she says. By December 2025, you’ll feel brand new.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
“I’m tapping into my intuition.”
If you’ve been meaning to create a meditative practice for yourself, now’s a great time to start. At the top of the year one of Scorpio’s ruling planets, Mars, will be retrograde. Combine that with your other ruling planet, Pluto, and you’ll be in the mood to tap into your spirituality and sense of transformation.
“Whether it’s by booking a silent or spiritual retreat, using your passport to immerse yourself in another culture, trying meditation, signing up for a yoga class, or using a tarot deck, you may be inspired to explore this side of yourself,” says Goicuria.
Think of 2025 as the year you experiment with these practices and see how they make you feel. “Tapping into this may have positive effects that ripple out to other areas of your life and help you to ground and connect to your higher self for guidance and direction,” she says.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
“I’m making so many new friends.”
According to Goicuria, Sagittarius is one of the most independent members of the zodiac. As a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, you’re always on the go and looking for new places to run to.
While you shouldn’t ever drop your adventurous spirit, this might be the year to put down roots and build a community of friends who you see regularly.
“You have a lot to learn from connecting with others,” she says. “Collaborating is a way to get to know yourself on a deeper level, and working through conflicts or disagreements that may come with letting others be a part of your world will only make you wiser and stronger in the long run.”
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): I’m Committed To My Goals
“I’m committing to a plan.”
Pluto, the planet of transformation, has finally left Capricorn after 20 years. “This means that dramatic shifts and changes will be a thing of the past, and a good amount of calm is indicated,” says astrologer Inbaal Honigman.
If you have Capricorn placements, it’s looking like 2025 will be a good year to finally get things done, especially when it comes to long-term projects that you’ve been pecking away at for what feels like forever. If everything feels chaotic in your life, there should be a sense of calm coming your way — and that means your goals will be easier to achieve.
The best thing you can do is commit to a plan. “Give yourself a productive mission such as writing 20 pages a month or applying for a job every week, and keep that challenge at the forefront of your mind,” says Honigman. It’s your year!
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
“I’m the main character.”
After years of lying low and putting other people first, 2025 is all about bringing out your main character energy. In fact, you’re the main character for the next 20 years now that transformational Pluto has moved into future-focused Aquarius.
“2024 was a little teaser of this but 2025 is the whole shebang,” says Wehler. “Have you felt the pull to try something different? Explore a new side of your identity? Be known for something that’s not your norm or be even more vocal than usual around outside of the status quo topics?” Embrace it all as you head into the new year.
According to Wehler, the world is craving Aquarius energy, so don’t be afraid to say what you’re thinking. “Like Elphaba in Wicked you are defying gravity in 2025 and bringing everyone else along with you,” she says.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
“I’m going to keep dreaming.”
According to Wehler, 2024 was a big year for Pisces in terms of dreams coming true and things going your way. You had serious Saturn in your sign, and it helped you feel more anchored and focused.
The new year will continue this theme, so go ahead and dream big. “This year is one that will just be a maturing of the last,” she says. Think about how you take the magic of 2024 and make it last into 2025. If your goal is to make more money, you could invest it. If your goal is to be more artistic, you could show off your work.
Goicuria also recommends embracing your inner child so you stay creative. “Shed your inhibitions and be more playful,” she says. “Set time aside for pleasure, creativity, and enjoyment and your cup will runneth over in 2025.”
Katherine Wehler, astrologer, business coach
Inbaal Honigman, astrologer
Nicole Goicuria, MA, therapist, astrologer